The Virgin Mary Is Showing Her Age...& Her Scales. Newslink

We shall have a Virgin Birth for Xmas, more or less. But her name ain’t Mary, & the long scaley tail may be off-putting to some.

Hmmm…Jurassic Park ain’t as off-base as some SDMB Members have posited.

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I’m dreamin’ of a parthenogenetic Christmas, just like the ones I used to kno-o-o-o-w-w-w…

Actually, I look up parthenogenesis in Wikipedia, and what it says at the top is sort of funny. “Parthenogensis” is not really in the Christian vocabulary, is it?

From the wikipedia article:

So now we have “lesbian” lizards who have biological children. This is better than male penguins who adopt eggs at the zoo! The critics of Mary Cheney should do a little research into the wonderful diversity of nature.

Paging David Icke!