Horrible Commercials

clear blue easy

This commercial is so bad!! The wording got changed since the video…showing “supposed” pee hitting the stick and he even said pee! Give me a break, women know how to use a pregnancy test! In the changed commercial he goes ahem, you know…instead of saying pee.The word “Pee” or saying “Pee” doesn’t bother me but It was a dumb commercial. The announcer even had the deep voice going on. Blech!
Sorry I just had to rant about the commercial. The music is even dramatic! Please forgive me but I just had to post it. :smiley:

I am still impressed with the marketing department for “Head On”…a truly obnoxious commercial that was universally hated and found annoying by everyone who ever saw it, but they turned around and created a new commercial, using snippets from the old one, and said that last commercial was horrible but the product is good.

Someone should get a big bonus check for making lemonade out of that lemon of a commercial.

Yeah, but was it a horrible commercial? The purpose of a commercial is to get you to buy a product, everybody knows about head on, I’d say it was a good commercial.

But how do you use this “Head On”? Does one take it internally?

(picks up sledgehammer with “Head On” label)
Here, allow me to demonstrate…

Oh boy, there’s a bunch.

The one with Total when the teenaged daughter gets hold of the mom’s jeans from her hippy days. (Were they mothballed? Because else… ew!) Mom gets all competitive and decides to eat Total for a month, which will make her poo out the excess weight, and then she walks downstairs in her old jeans.

So many problems here. First, is it healthy for a mom to be in competition with her own daughter over some old-assed jeans? Second, mom looks like a bony battleaxe. I’m a little scared when I see her on the screen. Last, there’s this atrocious version of “I Want You Back” playing in the background. Sucks.

The Jay-Z commercial for Budweiser. Christ almighty, this is the much-heralded comeback? And aren’t the Hype Williams style videos with the flashy cars and boats out of fashion onw? Song sucks, dances suck… it generally is quite horrible.

The “Dollarmenuaires” commercial for McDonalds. They are trying to take off the VH1 “Best Week Ever” type of show. The talking head is “Jeremy Miller,” delivering snark about these losers who can only afford the cheapest shit on the menu. Jeremy Miller looks slightly familiar but I don’t know who the hell he is, or why he should even get any billing by name on the ad is beyond me. I did some googling and it turns up that he is the actor who played Ben Seaver on “Growing Pains!”


He’s got a hell of an agent, I’ll tell you. When’s the last time Ben Seaver crossed your mind?

Good for whom? It probably was a good commercial for the company that makes Head On, but it was a bad commercial for me and all the other people who cringed every time it played. None of us is obliged to judge a commercial on the same basis that the advertiser judges it.

I suspect, BTW, that the follow-up Head On commercials were conceived in advance - that it was a deliberate strategy to make an extremely annoying series of commercials, then play off the annoyance in later commercials.

To me, the most annoying recent commercial was the BMW Christmas ad with the screaming children. These kids were supposed to be happy, but it sounded like they were being murdered. Even if one realized the children were expressing joy, it was done in such a way that they appeared in need of psychiatric treatment. The commercial was toned down after a while - I guess the ad wasn’t creating the public reaction that BMW wanted.

There’s one for some bottle-water company that makes the eww! icky! gross! point that water for your toilet and water for your sink come from the same source. After the initial showings, someone must have complained because a small legal line was added admitting that municipal water was perfectly safe for drinking.

Seems like I heard somewheres that you put it right on your head,IIRC.

One new commercial that irritates me is the Mercury Milan ad,right at the end when the dude says “this is better than the bosses car” and the gal driving says “don’t tell her that”. How clever :rolleyes: .

I think most commercials are horrible, but my least favorite currently is the Cialis one with the couple who are obviously getting ready to have sex, and then visitors arrive. However, when said visitors leave, the couple doesn’t resume their preparations, but instead goes off for a drive. I feel like the commercial is trying to emphasize the whole lasting thirty-six hours bit of the medication. I imagine a timer in the corner of the screen ticking away the hours.

I also hate those idiotic Sonic commercials wherein two stupid people in a car are munching or slurping away on some Sonic food or drink and saying really stupid things about the stuff. Near the end, there’s always this smacking sound which I imagine to be the idiots in the commercial being hit in the heads.

There’s a Kia commercial where the Happy Smiling Staff at a car dealership are singing “So Long, Farewell” (from The Sound of Music) to the new cars that are being driven out of the showroom. I can handle the LCD intelligence level in most commercials, but this one strikes me as just egregiously stupid.

The blonde is very cute, though.

I think it’s supposed to be a parody of those “Best Week Ever” type shows on VH1 with celeb/comedian commentators talking about various people and clips of the day.


Mr. Kiz HAS to leave the room every time it comes on. I have to sing along to drown them out.

This one grossed me out so much I didn’t even see the name of the product.

It’s a liquid cold remedy that comes with a cup with two little tubes sticking out the side. The young lady in the ad pours the liquid into the cup, places the tubes up her nose, and then cheerfully tilts her head back.

The commercial then goes to an animated silhouette of her head, showing her mouth and nasal passages in cut-away. The back of her nose is crawling with spiky black germs, green wriggling bacteria, and other assorted filth. The liquid rushes through her sinuses, flushing out the crap to the back of her throat, where it then flows into her mouth…

…and then we return to a live-action shot of the woman as she spits out the liquid and smiles at the camera.

That’s for Brita filters. I hate that damn commercial. So much. Probably more so since they added the legalese.

On fact…that commercial is my one and only candidate for this thread. My hate for it burns too brightly to allow me to see any other bad commercials.

It doesn’t bother me personally, but I know several members have complained about the Lamisil ad in which a yellow demon-like creature pulls up someone’s toenail and dives under it, scratching at the nailbed with his spiky claws…

I only mention it because I’m a cruel bastard of a man. :smiley:

‘Everybody knows about’ does not necessarily equate to ‘everybody will buy’.
I honestly think this “Yes, the commercial was utter shite and everyone despises it, but at least they’re talking about your product, so it’s a huge success!” is a concept invented by advertising execs, hoping to still get paid after having failed miserably.

See, I like that commercial: dramatic music, and the v/o saying portentiously, “It’s the most technologically advanced product you’ll ever . . . you know.” Which is funnier (the announcer being “embarrassed”) than just saying “pee on.”


For some reason I cannot put my finger on, I cannot stand the Dodge truck commercial with the Rock’em Sock’em Robots. I just get angry when I watch and I cannot figure out why.