Whgat would it be like to go through a Transporter? (Star Trek style)

if you went through a Star Trek style “transporter” what would it be like, for you, objectively? Would your “view” of area “A” fade and area “B” suddenly appear? Or what? Your opions and ideas are welcomed!



YIKES…sorry dumb Typo… I obviously meant “What would it be like to go through a transporter”… Obviously a transporter error…

As I remember from one episode, you feel like you are in a sparkly void, then reappear; it was the one where Barclay was having fits over something he saw while in transport.

You would be standing on a transporter pad. The person in front of you would push a button. You’d see some sparkly’s floating around you. Then you’d lose consciousness. The end.

Mark me down for the shuttlecraft, please. :slight_smile:


In some of the TNG episodes, the characters continue moving as they dematerialise; in at least one case, Picard carries on talking when he’s only half there. So if you’re active and conscious while you’re being taken apart, I think that would sting a bit - Starfleet academy must include a ‘stiff upper lip during transporter travel’ training module.

I would think that you would see a sparkly average of your source and destination. You would, however maintain the initial conditions of your source location. That is to say, if you went from the north pole to the equator you’d be shivering until the tropics warmed you up.

For physical phenomena, you’d experience a change in environmental factors directly proportional to the amount of matter exchanged between locations. If you are transfered from areas of different gravities, you’d start feeling heavier/lighter in direct proportion to the amount of mass transfer. If you transferred from you’re bathroom to a lilac field, you’d smell a transition from farts to lilacs. Unless you are like me, because my farts smell like lilacs, you wouldn’t notice a difference.

It’s hideous, agonizing death every time. You never know it, though, because the “you” that comes out the other end is a copy made just a few picoseconds before the disintegration.

I teleported home one night
with Bill and Sue and Meg;
Bill stole Meggie’s heart away
and I got Susie’s leg…

Aldebaran’s great, OK,
Algol’s pretty neat,
Betelgeuse’s pretty girls,
Will knock you off your feet.
They’ll do anything you like,
Real fast and then real slow,
But if you have to take me apart to get me there,
Then I don’t want to go.

Take me apart, take me apart,
What a way to roam,
And if you have to take me apart to get me there,
I’d rather stay at home.

To find out, we need to get Jason Statham to swallow a pill-sized camera…

This is the camp I’m in. You die, and the machine replicates a clone of you who carries on your life at the “destination” location. From the clone’s POV, however, (he thinks he’s the same person who was disintegrated) he’d probably remember a quick “jump,” like if you’re watching a movie and the scene shifts suddenly. Or to use a Trek example, it would be like how Q snaps his fingers, and stuff just appears or disappears. Your new environment would appear just like that.

Notwithstanding that one episode, the idea that you could remain conscious during teleportation is silly. You don’t have a body during teleportation! At that moment, you’re just a huge data file listing where the various atoms of your body were located at the moment teleportation began. What are you supposed to be seeing, hearing, etcetera, with?

A billion chinese all jumping off chairs and the sound of one hand clapping?

I got nothin’

It’d just be a crossfade, I think.

There was an Outer Limits (the newer series) episode based around an idea like this. People were teleported by being copied, and there was someone who had to kill the original. There was some sort of confusion, like they didn’t get an acknowlegement of receipt, so they didnt know what to do.

I think that the technician got to know the original and fell in love or something, during the time when they were waiting to figure out what happened. It’s been a very long time though so I’m not sure.

Does anyone remember what episode that was?

Ford: “You’d better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.”
Arthur: “What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?”
Ford: “You ask a glass of water.”

The shuttlecraft! Seems like every time an episode starts with folks getting into a shuttlecraft, disaster ensues. It malfunctions, it crashes, it enters into some kind of horrific energy field and is trapped, you name it.

I guess I’d take the transporter, even if Barclay saw some things in the enegy stream that looked like big turds with mouths.

I think you really do take after Teela Brown of known space… considering that her ‘good luck’ was sufficient to crashland an entire spacecraft… and she got herself lost among an alien city’s teleporting ‘stepping disks’

If Stephen King (and a subsequent Outer Limits episode) is to be believed, your consciousness takes forever to make the trip your body did instantaneously…

The established Star Trek method is that you don’t die. Unless you count being disassembled dying - but you are then brought back from the dead in a matter of milliseconds. The way they’ve said it works is that your subatomic particles are simply up and moved to a new place.

I don’t think you would remain conscious during this. However, the portion during which you would lose consciousness maybe so short, on the order of a tenth of a second, that your brain could easily fill in the gap and make you think you remained conscious.

You don’t count being disassembled dying?