Pagans? Oh yeah, they're those touchy feely peace loving wiccan types, right?

I found this thread on another message board to be hopelessly hilarious.

Here’s a reference for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Pagans Motorcycle Club: News, Politics, Sports, Mail & Latest Headlines -

For the record, I don’t support the police shooting to death someone who’s been paralyzed by tazer fire, whether they’re an outlaw biker or a wiccan, but the misunderstanding at the start of this thread and the refusal to get the point when the error was pointed out is… well, I can’t help laughing.

It’s sort of like reading something from the Pit, if half the posters were stoned.

I really feel for that poor person Marrah_G, trying to explain the whole thing. Over and over and over and…

Yeah, I’m in there also, trying to explain the mistake. But I didn’t get savaged as much as some others.

Shance (the person who started the thread) seemed to think that correcting his mistake was a statement in favor of police brutality.

I hear there’s another group of young men who ride motorcycles that call themselves angels. Obviously, these boys are very spiritual.

Indeed. He should be offered political asylium on the SDMB… We should support the brave ignorance fighters oppressed on foreign message boards…

Wow. That was both a mini-education for me (never heard of the Pagan gang until this very hour) and painfully funny. Marrah_G is better at suffering fools than I am.

AOL Hometown? :dubious:

I know. I guess they must get AOL accounts in prison.

Thinking about it, I guess it’s more likely that members outside of prison put that page up.

Wait, wha–?

reads links

Oh, nevermind.

puts away motorcycle jacket, puts broomstick skirt back on

[ Tiresome voice of authority ]:
There is nothing wrong with inviting an intelligent poster on another baord to join our merry band of loons. Of course, such an invitation would be offered privately, with no particular mention of the superiority of the SDMB, so that if the invitation was quoted by the recipient or otherwise found itself being posted on the other board we would avoid any possible misunderstanding by any groups of posters on the other board that might conceivably prompt them to take umbrage and declare some sort of board war.
** [ /Tiresome voice of authority ]**

[ /Moderating ]

tomndebb: I suppose this would be Right Out:

Just to be fair to Democratic Underground, there are many intelligent thoughtful people there and the vast majority of threads do not end up like that one. Although I will admit that there recently seems to have been an influx of - how should I put it - less than thoughtful people which seems to coincide with the recent Democratic wins. One might theorize that they are desperate Republican operatives trying to make us look silly, but that’s a little too tinfoil-hat for me.

DU also frowns on board wars and would be nipping that in the bud as quickly as SDMB would be. In any case, they would be much more likely to war with Free Republic or Conservative Underground.

Oh thank God. Talk about your cruel and unusual punishment…

It’s a serious story, but wow… that is the funniest derailment I’ve seen for ages. :smiley: