Most Moderate Democratic Pres. Candidate.

I have wondered for some time now, who exactly is the most politically moderate of our current list of Democratic presidential candidates? I suspect it might be Hillary Clinton or John Edwards, but am unsure, so someone please help me out here.

The answer might be interesting since the more moderate a Democratic candidate is these days, the more likely he/she’ll win.

Thank you in advance to all who reply :slight_smile:

In spite of her having “written” a book called It Takes a Village, I suspect that Hillary would be the furthest right of the bunch. I don’t think that she would think of herself that way, but due to having a bit of a Margaret Thatcher-type personality, I am personally voting that she’ll move that way once she doesn’t have to line up her politics with the party or her husband (i.e. if she was elected president.)

She’s pro-war at least.

Another comment would be that the closer someone is to the middle, the more they are hated by both sides.

Kinda like Lieberman is hated by the GOP? :slight_smile:

The Hillary Game has a long pedigree by now. She is the most centrist of the big three Dem contenders, but is hated by the right, not because of her centrism, but because they’ve long since bought into their own Clinton-era pillorying of her as the Wicked Witch of the Left. (Lord knows how many books attacking Hillary the wingnuts have published over the past 15 years, but it’s a lot.) Mention Hillary to wingnuts, and the reaction is like when Haman’s name is said at a Purim observance. It’s gone beyond rationality, into a region of seriously curved ideological space.

The left doesn’t hate her so much as they don’t want her to be President, because she’s to the right of most of the party. And on Iraq, she’s to the right of most Americans.

I’d say it was Bill Richardson, but even though he’s running, nobody’s paying attention to him.

Richardson '08 :slight_smile:

He said “middle.” :wink:


Plenty of people on the left hate her as well. Regardless of whether she deserves it or not, she is an extremely polarizing figure.

Those that don’t hate her (like myself) don’t want her to be the candidate because she will energize the right to vote against her. Better to let them stay discouraged and not vote at all.

I think they’re all moderates as they’re all to my right. Hillary I think is on the right wing, not the left and is not terribly moderate. Richardson is probably as close as either party’s candidates have to a centrist.

That says more about you than it does about them, Bob. :wink:
I wouldn’t call any of the candidates running ‘centrist’ by US standards, but I suppose if I had to make a call, I’d agree with those saying Richardson is about as ‘centrist’ as any of the candidates currently running…and he’s not really all that centrist at that, IMHO anyway. Hillary swings both ways, but I think she comes down in the majority on the left (she advocated universal healthcare for gods sake! :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Not that these folks are all on the far left wing mind you…they just aren’t centrists by US standards…at least not as I view left, middle and right. FWIW, I see myself as a ‘centrist’…so take this all with a grain of salt.


Ectually…looking up the two people on (warning, this site has various scary looking popups), it looks like Richardson is indeed further to the middle of the two. He’s pro-death penalty and pro-tax decreases on the rich. Of course, his positions also seem to be unknown on a lot of topics.