Anyone with a Joost invite?

Does anybody have an extra Joost invite for some random lurker? If so could you send to shmo1234 (at) excite (dot) com. You will be my favorite poster ever if you have an extra for me… even if your handle is “shirt red” backwards. :confused:

So I hear all Joost users now have an unlimited number of invites… Or is it just some?

Would a kind soul send one my way, please? My email’s in my profile.

What’s Joost?

Err…nevermind. Have Google, will use it.

I’ve got a Joost account (at home, I’m at work right now where joost’s website is blocked). I can look and see if I’ve got invites when I get home if no one else offers up.

I’ll look too when I get home.

My email’s in my profile, also, I’d like to try it out.

Hopefully the third time is a charm. I’m still extremely interested in a spare invite.

Pretty please…with a dollop of creme brule on top?

I’d be extremely appreciative if someone sends one my way.

gives puppy eyes

Add me to the list of beggars. It pains me to not be cutting edge! :stuck_out_tongue:

Shmo, Vision and Pygmy I sent you each one. I only had 3 so I’m tapped out of invites ).

Sorry guys, I only had a couple and I had promised them to coworkers. Hopefully the “infinite invites” thing will take effect, and then I’ll bump this thread or start a new one.

Thanks, dbuzman, I just got it! If I get some, I’ll be sure to come back and spread the wealth!

It happened today.

I sent invites to Synthetically Organic and ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveCookies . I tried sending one to you hocow , but it said that the email address was either incorrect or already in use so I’m guessing you might have already gotten an invite.

Not for all users, at least not yet. I just checked, I only have 1 invite right now.

Much obliged, Cowboy. Yeeha! :wink:

Sorry, for the life of me I can’t remember my log-on for joost and have tried every combo of username and email to get it. So, I’m without joost too.

Invite me please!
uo_achren at fastmail dot fm

Thank you very much dbuzman!!! I appreciate it greatly.