Is it true about Chuck Berry??

I was reading the question about the germs we have below the belt and how important it is to wash our hands after using the bathroom. The questions I have is:

  1. What about people who enjoy (don’t know the scientific term for it) playing w/ or consuming excriment. Do they get sick frequently or worse?

  2. Also, is it true that Chuck Berry takes part in this? I’ve heard second hand accounts of people who have seen the videos and I saw them advertised in underground porn catalogs, but I have never seen it (and I don’t want to) and don’t know anyone who has seen it 1st hand. Although there was an article in some spy magazine about the videos. An internet search came up w/ nothing about this. Is this an urban legend or is it true.

Sorry about the disgusting question and my horrible grammer.

Dunno about 2., but the first answer is “coprophagia.” Dunno if they get sick, either, but I imagine they have fairly strong immune systems and take their Flintstones vitamins every day.

And, besides, doesn’t your dog do this?

I read the article in Spy magizine a few years back. It described a hot tub scene, with some excrement involved. IIRC there were two young ladies, one of whom defecated on Mr. Berry. Problem is that Spy magazine was satirical, so I was never 100% sure whether the article was true, or just a satirical riff on Berry’s reputation for enjoying that sort of thing.

I do know that Berry was arrested a few years back for maintaining hidden video cameras in the women’s restroom of a restaurant he owned.

I read that article, too. I recall that they also had some really bad stillshots from some of the videos they obtained that showed Mr. Berry performing a similar act. Who knows about Spy? Sometimes their reporting was dead on accurate; other times it was pure tripe.

Well I have no firsthand knowledge of Chuck’s dietary habits I do know for certain that he was arrasted and later sued for setting up video cameras in the women’s restrooms in a resturant he owns. I imagine that he has some interest in poo.

Berry’s exploits with women are rather well-documented (ever seen his autobiography? A good half of the chapters are women’s names) but I’ve never heard of this.

Frankly, I’m not sure I want to. :wink:

I guess when I saw the video in a catalog I should have bought it, but like I said, I have no real interest in seeing it I just want to know if it is true. (The catalog I mention also had the infamous Go Go’s video, which might be interesting to watch). On an internet search I did find a little info on the bathroom cameras and his arrest in the 50’s (Mann act violation, not statatory rape as one site stated)

What infamous Go Go’s video? A friend of mine in college had a nearly-unhealthy fascination with Belinda Carlisle, and it got me to admit that she’s quite easy on the eyes…

Do you mean Chuck Berry is into do-do for arousal or porn or what? I’m just not exactly sure what Chuck is into and wish someone would clue me in. Splain to me, Lucy. :slight_smile:

I have known only one person who admitted to indulging in both pee and poo cuisine. He’s always seemed to be very healthy, though I don’t get too close (sensitive gag reflex).