I refuse to fight ignorance when my opponent is armed to the teeth with it

Or, did you know that eating protein is in fact damaging to the heart?

No, seriously, I found out just now in the breakroom that people on Atkins are dying of heart attacks, not because of clogging their veins up with fat and cholesterol. Nope. Those things are, in fact, good for your heart. The thing that is causing heart attacks, people, is eating protein. It damages your heart.

Yep. Not only that, but since your heart is a muscle, it is made of carbs, so you need to eat carbs to have a healthy heart.

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. Seriously, I believe it’s the first time I just walked the fuck away and didn’t say anything else. Kill me now, please?

This part really takes the cake.

I was told in all seriousness the other day that the reason it is illegal for people to have sex with sheep is because they are the only animal that can be impregnated by people.

To be fair, after explaining all the reasons why that is not possible and further explaining that if it were true you would see a lot more sheeple in tabloid magazines, she kind of :smack: and said, “Well, I guess I shouldn’t believe everything I hear!”

Lucky for you that person seemed to have at least part of a brain. This little twit doesn’t have one. I seriously want to kick her head in, scrape the crap up off the bathroom floor of a crackhouse and shove that in it and stitch it back together. I am thinking it would be a massive improvement to her intellect.

ETA – yeh, the whole part about the heart being made up of carbs was the part where I just looked at her and said “alrighty then” and walked out.

Is this your annoyingly Christian cow-orker, Litoris? You’re the one that suffers from her, right? You know, you really should take a tape recorder into the break room and make a recording of some of this stuff; you could make a fortune selling it as a comedy album!

Food and politics: the two areas most Americans think they are experts of even when they most certainly aren’t. I try to avoid both topics whenever possible.

Funny enough, no. Serina* was sitting with this idiot, but she kept her mouth shut. This is one of the women with whom I have to have very little cause to ever have to interact. I know she is one of those willfully ignorant people, so I avoid her like the plague, which is very easy as she works morning hours, so only on Mondays (full day for the entire call center) do we really work together, and she is usually too busy finding someone with whom to gossip to bother me.

*not her real name.

So Hal can stop sweating the pregnancy tests?


Anyway, everyone knows apes can be impregnated by people.

no, you got that the wrong way round. apes can impregnate people.

I once listened to a conversation where one of my drivers, a 50-ish woman was explaining to another woman, as they were lighting up, that the whole smoking=cancer thing was started by one tobacco company, and that it was really an old advertising campaign about how their cigarettes were safer than Brand X’s, but that the whole thing took off and began this whole rumor about smoking being bad for you.

I waled away from that one too.

Protein is deadly poisonous. Once you you down that first mouthful of mother’s milk, you’ve got 120 years tops before it kills you. :dubious:

Man, if you can get an ape to bend over for you, then you deserve to be able to reproduce.

Litoris, I really hate to do this but I have to.

Fasting diets (like Atkins), can cause damage to the heart. Not for the reasons your co-worker thought.

First of all Atkins is high in fat and cholesterol, because it is high protein. The food that has the most protein is meat. Even lean meat has cholesterol.

That’s still not the reason. The reason is, that since a high protein diet naturally supresses your appetite, it can reach a point where one isn’t taking in enough calories to sustain healthy muscle tissue.
Unfortunately, your body doesn’t use fat first, with fasting, it uses muscle, the heart being muscle, can be weakened.

It sounds like a rare complication, but it can happen very quickly, if you aren’t careful.

Of course, if you follow the Atkins diet as it’s layed out, you’ll get enough food protein to keep your heart healthy

While having lunch at Wendy’s, I overheard a conversation (well…perhaps “eavesdropping” would be a better term) between two outspoken fellas.
One said that a friend of his “paid sixty eight dollars to get in a cage in 'da ocean to see great white sharks.”

OK so far. He goes on…
“I would’n do dat! No way. Dey got sharp teeth! Big as beer cans!”

Huh? wha? “beer cans”?

“An’ ya know if they lose a tooth, another one grows right in. Yep, only takes an hour for them to grow a new tooth!”

I would have spoken up but I quickly realized that, without scientific evidence immediately at hand, I might as well have been talking to a trash can.

No, no, no, people – you have it all wrong – it’s pigs that can be impregnated by humans!

picunurse, being a (I like to think well-informed) gastric bypass patient, I am well aware of how/why the Atkins diet can cause major heart problems. The issue is not that a high-protein/low-carb diet can be bad for you, but her reasoning. I was not joking about her informing me that the heart, being muscle, is made up of carbs.

She also elucidated to the Christian cow-orker about how cholesterol and fat are actually very good for you. They help the heart function, and are needed, but a person could live a very healthy life without ever eating protein, it is that bad for you. Thanks for the clarification, though, for those who might not have known.

I once heard someone state that cigarettes are actually good for your lungs because the lungs become coated with tars and such which then serves as a protective barrier against carcinogens.

Sounds like Roland Deschain to me.

Yeah, like all that pesky oxygen. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are going to hate me for this but he is basically right even if it got a little corrupted. Sharks grow teeth like crazy and also lose them like crazy. Some sharks grow and lose tens of thousands of teeth in their lifetimes. Their teeth are on something like a conveyor belt in their mouths and, whenever they lose a tooth, a new one is waiting to move into position. It may not be an hour (it could actually be much faster than that) but we are talking fast in any case.

But only the damned and dirty ones will even try!