Why does my beard itch?

I sport what is commonly referred to as a goatee (but which is actually a Van Dyke, if I remember my beard styles 101).

At about the 3 week mark, my beard, specifically under my chin, starts to itch like nobody’s bidness. I know it’s not the clipped end of the hairs rubbing my skin, since I looked very carefully, and they’re not touching. But then when I clip it or shave it off completely, it doesn’t itch again until about that 3 week mark.

So why is it itching? For the record, I also shave my head, and that never itches when it grows in.

Try using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Mine itches every now and then, and it’s usually because I’ve developed dandruff.

Tried it. I’ve also tried Aveeno Body Wash, and different moisturizers.

That Swiss apricot face scrub stuff works pretty well for me.

Mine starts itching at about day 4. Try using Head & Shoulders “intensive treatment” shampoo, with selenium sulfide. It’s the one in the dark blue container. Use it every day.

Crabs. They only go as far north as the eyebrows, never the head.


Could be new growth. The first stage of the beard is existing hair growing out but sooner or later the new stuff starts popping out. Usually it gets knocked down right away when you shave but when you don’t it get’s it’s chance to grow. Don’t panic, it will pass.

Or it could be the crabs, hell I don’t know.

I checked. It’s not crabs.

I’ve heard that there are these little mites, usually found in danker areas of the body, that sometimes spread to the lower headal area. What’re they called?

That could make sense. My goatee doesn’t itch at all (had it for several years) but the rest of my neck does if I don’t shave for several days. Like the OP said, it doesn’t appear to be rubbing, but it itches like hell, that’s how I know when to shave.


Hm, I doubt it is crabs / mites, etc. Beard does itch when it reaches a certain length, but stops again when it grows longer. I would have thought more of you people were familiar with that. I personally get it a bit earlier than the 3 week mark, but beard grows at different speeds, so that’s not important.

As to what causes it, my best guess is that the hairs have just the right length to turn over, and point inwards towards the skin, thus itching it. Another theory is that the length allowed stuff to be caught in it just near the skin, which then itches it in some way. If it was longer, the “stuff” would get caught further from the skin.

mr. jp, I think you were whooshed on the crabs thing.

More likely is the fact that shaving exfoliates, removing dead skin cells. When one doesn’t shave for a while, those dead cells pile up, and scratching removes them.

If that’s the case, why do people say it stops itching as the beard grows out? I’d think it would get worse.

Because as the beard grows out the crabs have more places to hide thus leading to a larger concentration of dead skin eating symbiotes. *

The fuller the beard gets, the larger the population gets until it reaches a point that advancements in civilization create birth control. **

It is purported that Charles Darwin himself had a population of crabs roughly the size of the population of New Jersey, with roughly the same level of advancement in civilization. ***

  • I do not know if crabs eat dead skin or not.

** I don’t even know what the hell this means.

*** I had probably better stop now and behave.

I just felt like I needed another thing to say “etc”.

Your suggestion still doesn’t explain why the itching subsides as the beard grows long.

The only drawback being that this stuff smells strongly and quite badly too.

Well, by the third week of not showering and shaving, so do I.

That would explain the itching.

Winter can do it. The dry season is kinda flaky.

Take a hint from Allah and wash, water alone will do, your beard five times a day.
Everytime, after you go wee wee or poo poo, whilst you’re washing your hands
splash water upon your beard, er, Goatee, er, Dick, er, Van Dyke …