Why does Google think I'm a robot?

Recently, when trying to access Google, I keep running up against this error page:

I’m on a work PC, and have to assume that I’m not infected, and in any case, I went to Google by typing “google” in the address bar and hitting CTRL+Enter, same as always. How is that a “query … similar to automated requests from a computer virus”? Since when did viruses attack Google by entering the URL in a browser address bar?

What’s going on here?

See, this is what happens when you fail a Turing Test.

Well that’s just stupid. I’ve never tured in my life. :frowning:

Are you using any proxies? I used to get those messages a lot when I was using Tor.

Similar to a message I got when I had a browser hijacker that tried to redirect my Google searches. I assumed that when I searched in Google, the hijacker would do it’s own search, and I’d get the results they wanted. I’m sure Google is wise to this, and recognizes the query or the results.

Are you using Internet Explorer?

How do you know you’re not a robot?

I work for a big company with thousands of employees constantly using the internet and potentially being exposed to security risks. Why on earth wouldn’t I be? :wink:

Maybe all the company traffic is coming from a single IP, and Google thinks that is suspicious.

Admit it, you’re just a program running on server farm. Your responses in this thread are clearly generated by an artificial intelligence. :wink:

Ask you computer tech people about it. It may be a problem with your company’s proxy server or firewall. Or, maybe your tech people need to talk with Google’s tech people to clear up the problem.

Could be an infected computer using the same proxy as you, getting the whole darned network flagged as a bot.

Hey, robots need love too.

beep beep boop bop borp

Well, that explains it, doesn’t it? Everyone needs practice before taking a test.

I’ve gotten that same message a couple of times. I assumed it had to do with the choice of my search keywords, because that’s the only difference from the thousands of other times I used Google from the same computer. I can’t remember what the keywords were, but I think some or all were product brand names.

Reminds me of the blond who thought she was a robot because she was made by a scientist.

Just to clarify, I’m not even entering a Google search - I don’t get the chance. I just enter www.google.com in the browser and get that page instead of the Google homepage.

(waving arms indiscriminately and wildly)

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

I’ve had that message a few times over the years. No rhyme or reason to it, it just pops up out of the blue, like a bad penny turning up again, just when I’d forgotten about the last time it annoyed me.

I never take any action to make it go away, just use Yahoo and try Google later, when everything’s fine again and it greets me with no memory at all of having just accused me of being a robot.

I did make a half-hearted attempt to find out what was going on once and I seem to recall this is a fault at Google’s end, nothing to do with the searcher at all, and that it always rights itself in a short space of time.

You’re walking through the desert and you look down and see a tortoise. You know what a tortoise is, don’ t you? A turtle, ok? You see a turtle. You flip the tortoise on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can’t. Not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

I don’t have any hands, Dave.

Whenever I see something like this, Dave, I can only attribute it to Human Error. No Hal-5000 has ever let an animal die in the desert if it could help. Every time such a thing happens, it is attributable to human error.

Like Sam Stone, I think it’s time you consider the possibility that you are a robot. Google knows best, after all. Have you been waking up in the middle of the afternoon to find empty bottles of motor oil lying around the house? Have your cats been a little more afraid of you lately? Have people been commenting on how uninflected your voice is recently?