"BRING IT ON, GODZILLA!"-cries Japan's Defence Minister. Newslink

Japan’s Defense Minister proudly proclaimed that the JSDF is ready to fight Godzilla.

One presumes that they have stockpiled ray gun cannon with big radar dish emittors in large numbers.

Interesting that this would happen around the same time as NORAD gets ready to track Santa.

Launch the Super-X!

…failing that, the Type 66 Masers!

Or maybe the columns of main battle tanks that never actually did any damage to any monster, but keep getting shoved onto the front line anyway, only to be quickly slaughtered within a matter of seconds! Courtesy of the Japan Suicidally Deluded Force who thought that the Battle of Yonkers only failed because of a lack of nationalistic fighting spiiiiirit!

And in other news Japan has finaly released the reason why they bought Tom Servo from MST3k set at the end of filming.

Yes, they are actually building Moguera…!