HGTV Shows

We watch House Hunters and Devine Design and several other shows.

House Hunters - still interesting but I am so tired of the closet jokes, “gee honey, where will you put YOUR clothes” and “just big enough for my shoes…”
Plus, a house can cost $500,000 or more and they say inane things like, “Oh look, there is a microwave…” or “I don’t like the color of that wall”…if you have that money, you can afford your own microwave and have you ever heard of a can of paint?
It is also amazing how many people will spend an extra $30,000 or more for a backyard so their dog has plenty of room to run around and poop, but not worry about the fact that it is a four bedroom house with one small bathroom for human beings.

House Hunters International is even better - amazing to see the outrageous prices for crap in other countries. A 500 square foot condo that costs a fortune and should be totally gutted to be liveable. Also interesting to see people go off and buy a house in a country where they don’t speak a lick of the language or know anything about the culture.

Devine Design - have never seen Candace Olson do a bad room. I would hire her in an instant, no questions asked, and trust her to do any room in my house. That woman has class (and a nice crew of professionals to do the work.) Never shoddy and tacky like Trading Spaces (on a different channel).

My favorite show is still Designed to Sell; the results that Lisa Laporta is able to achieve are nothing short of miraculous, if you remember the original state of the house. I guess you should try to make your house look like an expensive hotel room.

i miss some of the old shows. the newer ones seem a bit dumbed down.

fun shui would be nice if she didn’t say “feng shui” every two words. just tell us what the fixes are lady!

i like vern yip’s show. he explains the layout and design stuff very well. find your style is interesting.

can’t stand colour splash.

why do people go crazy over the colour of paint on the wall of the potential new house? easiest thing to change. now wall paper, hay, or stapled flowers, those are def. deal busters.

Because by the time of filming the couple’s already purchased one of the three houses. They only pretend to pick one and have to come reasons why stuff is wrong with the other two.

I loooove Chico on Divine Design. How I wish I had an electrician like him.

I used to watch many hours per week of HGTV but I gave it up about a year ago, but still occasionally watch a few shows. I like Design on a Dime because they show things you can do for not a huge amount of money. For the same reason I like that one with Joan Steffand (sp?) although since they only have $500 for the room, it’s sometimes a little cheesy. I used to love Small Spaces (I think that was the name) but they stopped playing it.

I sometimes watched that one about people who do crafting and always felt like why the hell wasn’t I selling my wacky projects like they were.

Most of your comments cover everything that my wife and I feel about this channel. We like to watch the real estate shows but I cannot STAND all the fucking decorating shows. They are all identical.

  1. Move your couch
  2. Paint walls red and purple
  3. Take old door and cut it into a table
  4. Light 17 candles and turn off the lamps

They are seriously all the same. The worst is Colorsplash. That dude is so god damn annoying with his nonstop sass-head talk where he sways his head back and forth like Tyra Banks. The gay dudes on this channel are WAY gay with Colorsplash guy leading the pack. Like over the top in your face sequine vest wearing gay. Those personalities are very off putting to me. Much like Fran Dreschers personality is off putting.

We like House Hunters for the most part.

Oh, the other thing that is aggravating is how they will have a realtor come in and appraise a half-million dollar house in an hour and come back with a figure like $499,500 using just their calculator and a newspaper. I’m sorry, but appraising a house just isn’t that easy and I certainly would not put too much weight in the opinion of some 22 year old real estate agent who has been selling houses for 8 months.

Decorating Cents.

I watch that one for ideas for myself, but if I’m ever picked to be on an HGTV decorating show, it damn well better be Divine Design. I don’t want to go through the hassle of a camera crew and all that crap in my house for some $500 decorating job.

I was just about to bump my thread that I started during the holidays but this one will do!

I am an HGTV junkie although many of the shows I used to enjoy are now gone. One show I loved was replaced by Color Correction. There was a color show where the host made a color wheel out of things the home owner was familiar with and then had the owners pick the colors they liked. Color Correction has that Constance woman who I dislike intensely.

ReMix has been replaced by, um, I forget the name but it’s no where near as good without Daniella. Debbie Travis is gone too.

But as long as the Giantess of HGTV is around, so will I. That Olsen woman is a genius!

She’s good, and that is my favorite. I like a show that deals with altering floor plans, not just buying furniture and painting walls.

I like House Hunters but I’ve heard the show is staged. They have a show called Buy Me which is about selling a house. I really like seeing how the process works and what sellers can and can’t do to entice buyers.

I find Ground Breakers maddening. I suppose it’s really just me, though; I get inexplicably angered when I see people my age or younger, in palatial houses with perfectly nice yards, who apparently have an extra 200 grand to throw around and so they decide to rip it all up, plant a few skillion trees, cart in half a quarry’s worth of flagstone, and install a lake with an island. The results always look great, but the sheer cost is just mind-boggling. What do these people do for a living that they can just throw that kind of money into shrubbery?

My wife likes House Hunters, but lemme tell ya, if you DVR that show, you can get through an episode in about seven minutes. Loads of commercials and useless filler. I also get a laugh out of how stiff everyone is. I imagine there’s a director just off screen, screaming, “Don’t put your hands in your pockets!!!” at everyone, so they stand there with their arms hanging stiffly and unnaturally.

About the only show I watch with regularity is Gardening By The Yard, and even that is wearing thin. I used to say that, even though Paul James was weird, he at least gave good gardening tips, but lately, he’s been giving out fewer and fewer. And he hardly does any of the middle segments any more; he farms 'em out to other gardening wonks, who do crazy stuff I’d never do at home, like making a 55-gallon batch of compost tea. HELL no.

I used to watch HGTV all the time but I’ve gotten so annoyed by so many of their new shows that I just give up in disgust. It seems that the producers or directors (or whoever) have decided that a lot of the shows need updating and have gone to split-second edits and shaky cameras. It’s so bad on some of the shows that I’ll change the channel in an instant if I see the camera starting to drift or tilt from side to side. How in the hell can you focus on what’s being worked on if the damn camera won’t stay still? It’s not edgy and hip. It’s annoying and stupid. The newer Design on a Dime episodes and one of the crafters’ around the country shows are the worst offenders.

But I will echo what others have said and say I’d have Candace Olsen do my house anytime. Even when she does a room in a style that I wouldn’t like personally, or it’s a bit more high end than I would be comfortable with, it still turns out fantastic. Makes me wish I lived in Canada so I could beg to be on the show.

I have three things to say about Devine Design: Chico, Chico, Chico. sigh Wish they’d give him more air time.