The Wire "The Dickensian Aspect" (open spoilers)

Forced myself to wait until Sunday to watch, and then no thread! This was an interesting ep, and we got some answers.

–Omar did jump off the balcony and break his leg. He was in the building the whole time, apparently. Can he heal from that break without medical attention? I’m glad Fat Face Ricky knows that Marlo killed Joe. That’s one less problem for him to deal with. I think he’s on a kamikaze mission now.

–Marlo took over the Co-Op and basically dissolved it. He is the Boss for now. Slim Charles wouldn’t take the promotion, seemingly because he knows what a bastard Marlo is. Good for him… and I can’t wait for Cheese to get taken out. That smirk is really getting to me.

–Chris might actually get pinched for killing Bug’s father. Hey, Bunk is on the right track anyway. I wonder if Chjris is so bent out of shape over Omar, like he was over Bug’s father, because of this hatred of gay men he seems to have due to his past abuse.

–Marlo has been sending photos over his phone, some sort of code (will they bring Prez back to help crack it?). That leads to an interesting chain of events: McNulty is kidnapping poor, sick homeless men, pretending they’ve been abducted, sending photos of them to the paper, to justify a wiretap that accounts for pictures. Wow. McNulty really has lost it.

–Apparently Templeton’s style is much easier to stomach when he’s not lying. Anyone else think of Templeton the Rat from Charlotte’s Web everytime his name is mentioned? So, Templeton did not call to check up on that story about the money for the kids of the woman who died from eating shellfish. Right? What was the point of that bit?

–Seeing Randy was heartbreaking. Is that the last we’ll see of him?


Wow, thank you for spoiling the whole season, Fever. Can one of the mods please delete his post?

I know it says open spoilers, but that means for THIS EPISODE, not the ones that haven’t been aired yet.

The scene about Templeton not calling the family to check up on one of his old stories was to lay down a deeper foundation about his lies.

Eek, sorry. Is there a way to edit my post?

That’s my guess, but I’m wondering what caused Gus to be sneaky like that. Presumably he had to be suspicious, but is it suspicion based on evidence or suspicion driven by jealousy (Templeton getting all the attaboys). When did Gus begin to smell a rat is what I want to know.

I hate McNulty right now, despite the apparent regret he had about psychotic dude. And I feel Bunk’s pain right now.

Gus has been suspicious of Templeton since his fabricated story about the kid trying to go to the Orioles game on Opening Day.

If you can’t find people going to Opening Day of a baseball season who want to talk about why they love (or in the case of the Orioles, more likely hate) their team, you’re really lame.

Eeek, sorry, fuck you asshole.

That’s was a real fucking asshole move, and you fucking know it.

Fever’s already apologized, his post has been edited to hide the spoiler and to warn readers of it, but even if none of that had happened, you’re still out of line. Keep your insults in the Pit.

Damn, I’m glad I didn’t open this thread earlier – I’m cranky enough this morning as it is. I hope that spoiler was false and I’m sorry Wire fans had to see it.

Gus and Templeton and the fraud – it’s kinda funny, because it seems like Templeton doesn’t like being on the receiving end of a lie. So he lies to cover up a fraud perpetrated by someone else.

That comment before the co-op meeting – something about whoever has the connect is the one who killed Joe – did that remind anyone else of The Godfather?

How did Freamon keep from decking McNulty when McNulty was bitching at him?

I’m really curious about the leak in the DA’s office. With only four episodes left, there’s not much time to spend on a new subplot.

That’s bull.

The guy has 2 posts here. That one was his first ever.

He clearly came in to put that in the thread, and like others might, I absent-mindedly moused over without looking at the “season spoiler” tag, since most spoilers don’t ruin the friggin’ season.

It adds absolutely NOTHING to the current discussion of this show, and can only serve a bad purpose. Try to tell me what he wrote contributes ANYTHING, as if it were couched in a larger point.

It is simply there for him to be a jerk. Prime directive violation. Total bullshit.

I’m sorry you failed to read the warning title of the spoiler post, Trunk, but your insults and argument don’t belong here. Open up a Pit thread to complain if you’d like, but stop hijacking this thread.


Will you at least delete it in a month when he’s shown himself to be a complete troll?

What’s it take? That post serves absolutely NO PURPOSE except to spoil.

You must not watch the show. At least believe me that that is a post with ZERO CONTRIBUTION and 100% SPOILAGE. Look, I know you’ve told me twice, so obviously I don’t care if you suspend me over this, because I don’t want any other fans of the show reading that. They can thank me later. That’s bullshit.


Trunk, which part of “stop hijacking this thread” did you not understand? It wasn’t an invitation for you to continue the hijack; you’ve been told to move your argument to the Pit (the proper place for disagreeing with a mod decision); and all you get for accusing someone of being a troll is another warning.

Either stop now or risk your posting privileges.

Well, that post got e-mailed to me because I was subscribed to this thread. We are NOT supposed to include any spoilers for future eps, only for the ep that just ran. So I for one and quite pissed and hoping that spoiler isn’t true. And feeling rather much as Trunk does, but I’ll say no more.

There’s been enough hue and cry, that I’m deleting the thread content.


Now, where does the line start for Brain Scrubbing? :wink:

My brain’s already scrubbed. I can’t imagine the Wire’s writers doing something like that. Desperate Housewives, maybe, but not The Wire. Hell, that’s not even good enough for fan-fic.

The ripples from McNulty’s ruse keep spreading, don’t they?

If Gus’s comments to and about Scott are taken altogether, they basically say, “I know ‘there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.’” It started with Haynes questioning Scott closely re the opening day article and Council President Campbell’ react quote (“Nerese said that?”), continues with the meeting at the paper attended by McNulty (“Up 'til now, I thought it all was bullshit.”) and, culminates (so far) with Haynes asking Templeton to follow up on the crab-death family (knowing he’d probably be feed bullshit). The excessive compliments re the legitimate piece written by Scott is Gus’s “subtle” way to let him know he thinks something funny is going on.

Wasn’t the sleazeball newshound, Nancy Grace, just the right touch for the “reporter” to interview Templeton on his bogus, sensationalized story!

How many more episodes are there? Four?

I apologize to the regular posters to this thread who saw the spoilers posted. Apparently my “open spoilers” in the thread title were unclear and made it seem as if you could post any and all spoilers for the show. To whomever will be starting threads on the show from now on, it seems like it would be a good idea to use the format of this OP to avoid future mishaps.