Holy crap, Jericho's back: 2/12

From the L.A. Times TV schedule: “Major Beck leads the effort to restore Jericho’s power and communication systems after the Cheyenne government ends the battle with New Bern.”

There you go.

I can’t wait, I was really enjoying that show last year. My kids like it too.

Wow. Thanks for the heads-up. I wonder what hights of craptacularity they’ll reach this season?

It has a chance to improve. It was really bad until about 2/3rds into the season when they seemed to cut out some of the soap opera crap no one cares about and focus on the more interesting things. Towards the end of the season it wasn’t great or anything, but it was better than horrible. Maybe they’ll improve on that.

I thought it got off to a good start. I like Major Beck. He seems to be a thorough professional, but willing to give people chances. I thought he was going to arrest everyone in the Rangers, but he seems sincere about the need for reconciliation and for the town to get back to normalcy. He definitely has the charisma needed to make up for the loss of Johnston Greene.

The series has only been picked up for seven episodes. I hope the show finds an audience and gets the green light for a full season.

I thought that it had been brought back for seven episodes solely to wrap it up due to the fan campaign and further episodes were out of the question?

According to Nina Tassler, president of CBS Entertainment, on the network’s Jericho message boards “In success, there is the potential for more Jericho.”

She may be talking out her ass, but I can still hope, can’t I? :wink:

So how’d it do?

I missed the end of season 1, but caught up yesterday with recaps. I liked last nights episode. I like that they are finally heading towards ‘big world’ views, and not just life in the sleepy little town. Gives it a more important feel.
Was the cop eating peanuts a nod towards the NUTS! people? Well it had to be, but I"m not sure what it meant. Could be either, “I eat your peanuts!” or “See, your nuts came in handy. Thanks!”

And the President of the Allied States of America comes for a little visit next week.

It was OK. I thought the jumping back and forth between time/space was a little choppy, and the weirded-out American flag was a little eye-rolly, but it was still fun. I like the new military guy-- he doesn’t mince words or take half measures.

I wish Journeyman would come back…I like this show alot but i dont like the premise of it. It bothers me to think our government is that fragil and would break up like that. It just seems out there but is still entertaining

I liked the show.

I enjoyed the new episode. It was well done, and a joy to see these characters again.
(Though the absence of Mrs. Green, Lucy(? the deaf girl), and Skyler & Dale were worrysome. Were they not able to re-sign everyone?) I like this Beck character, but I feel like they’re setting us up for him to go bad at some point.

I had the exact opposite reaction FlightlessBird, though. I much preferred the focus kept on the small town all on their own doing what they must to survive. I’m not too thrilled with a new government, even a shattered and corrupt one, coming in and restoring order, power, supplies, etc. Now it’s just another post-apocalypse story. Before it was more of a during-apocalypse story, I guess, which I found to be a fun change.

I’ll still watch, and I’m still enjoying it, but something of the original charm has been lost for me.