Help me ID this comedy routine

I heard a comedy routine by a duo back in the early 70’s on the radio. I am now trying to find a recording of it. I found a quote from it on a web site, which tentatively attributes it to Danny James, which I think is wrong. I seem to remember it as Bob & Ray, but I can’t find it by sampling the Bob & Ray offerings on iTunes (there are 150 of them there).

Does anyone recognize the source of this, which may not be an exact quote:

Bob and Ray, to be sure. I think it’s on their album BOB and RAY. The Two and ONLY.

I just played my copy of the album. It is on Bob and Ray The Two and only. SIde two, a track called Indepth News.

Although I can’t help with the passage per se, I can attest to the wackiness of Bob and Ray from at least as far back as the 60’s. Probably 50’s. They used to have a promotional spot for radio usage that went (close to verbatim):

“If all the radios in the world were placed in one spot they would make a noise loud enough to be heard in Lima, Peru.”

As I recall, they also contributed to early MAD Magazine humor. Much like Ernie Kovacs and his “Strangely Believe It” columns.

The funniest things I can remember seeing them do on TV were a low-speed chase in a crowded city street and a take-off on “Do You Think I’m Sexy?”

Wow, phenomenal response time! Yes, it turns out this is from The Two and Only; I found someone who had posted info about that recording online. It seems to be out of print.

On edit, I see you’ve confirmed it yourself.

Thanks! :smiley:

Glad to help , now if i can only find an expert on the Komodo Dragon :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you can still get the album of Bob and ray the Two and Only:

I saw their show live around 1971 or 1972 when they performed it in San Francisco. Still one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. Their bits are timeless.

I like that.