Anyone catch the re-edited Dresden Files pilot last night? [spoilers]

Didn’t even know it was on, but was watching the scifi channel before bed and noticed, “this seems different.”

They re-edited the pilot, added some scenes and perhaps most significantly,
put Bob back in his skull.

I checked on Wiki today and it says:

It would be pretty cool if there were enough demand to get some TV movies made at least.

That would be great. I love the books and enjoyed the series but agree Bob would be better off in his skull.

Damn! I could have sworn I checked SciFi’s schedule to see what was on last night, but I either didn’t or somehow I missed seeing it. Maybe it’ll be aired again.

And I’m going to be really annoyed if they re-issue the DVD set just to include the complete pilot. I hate having to buy another copy of something I already have because a “special edition” came out.

Crap! What time?

I’m not sure the non-skull Bob didn’t work better on-screen, on the whole. Either way, I’d like to see a series revival or some movies out of it.

Seconded, my roommate was pissed that he was too sick to tape it. Any info on a re-showing?

IMDB doesn’t mention a next showing. I’ll watch for it though, I thought it had potential.

It was on from 3-5am on Saturday morning. I don’t remember seeing any ads for it during the week, although admittedly I didn’t watch SciFi much last week since everything I watch there was a rerun (except SG:Atlantis, which I have on my DVR). I was otherwise occupied on Friday night, so I wouldn’t have caught any last-minute ads for it in any case.

I did a search on SciFi’s schedule under both Dresden and Stormfront and got nothing. I sent an e-mail to SciFi’s feedback section (managing somehow to refrain from pointing out out the stupidity of scheduling it at that time without any repeats, unlike their usual policy of rerunning their crap movies to death) last night asking if there were any plans to rerun it at a future date. Maybe if enough people do the same we can get a rerun scheduled.

I don’t watch Scifi live that much anymore either, but don’t remember seeing any ads for this new re-edited version even though I was watching Scifi channel live all evening.

No doubt, Bonnie Hammer had something to do with actively trying to kill it in favor of some more “cost effective” giant, killer cockroach movies of the week or more wrestling.

God, I hate that bitch. I heard she’s recently stepped down, and has been replaced. Let’s hope that bodes well for SCI FI channel.