The New and Improved Commercials We Hate!

It’s been a couple of months since the last Commercials We Hate thread died, so I need to start a new one just to pit this abomination I saw the other day.

The ad begins with three kids playing that game Rock Band. They’re doing their thing for about 8 seconds, then suddenly TWO ARMS COME RIPPING OUT OF THE ONE KID’S MOUTH FROM THE INSIDE and the withered husk of his body is stripped off, to reveal SLASH from Guns ‘n’ Roses!

Hehe…clever, no? NO!!! It’s creepy as hell! I thought I was catching an ad for a new horror movie! This was NOT clever, it was disgusting!

What were they thinking?!

McDonalds radio commercials almost always make me nuts. Their current one with the guy sniffing around for the extra breakfast sandwich guarantees that - on those rare occasions that I do get a breakfast sandwich - I’ll drive a few miles out of my way so as not to patronize McD’s.

Wait, now I have an idea for a horror film. People who play Guitar hero 3 (Rock Band’s the other game) too much have Slash take them over as Clones grow inside their bodies and puch their way out of the mouth. The Slash Clones will do… something, and it’s up to our heros to try and find a way to reverse the terror as they are picked off by Slash Clones one by one… BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

Any and all of the “lawyer referral service ads”, and the Everest University ads. They comprise the ENTIRETY of daytime TV advertising available of broadcast in my area. Seriously. Every break, nothing but those two types of ads.

I hate the damned car commerciasls with The Breathing People.
(drum da da drum da drum drum drum)
(drum da da drum drum drum da drum)


Whenever it comes on, I immediately hit the MUTE button. It drives me insane.
(I know what it’s for, but if I name the company, I’ve played into their damned hands of passing along the information, andd making the commercial effective)

I also LOATHE any commercial with whispering.

“Zoom zoom”

I hate that kid.

Any of the “Truth” ads for anti-smoking. I’m a vehement anti-smoker, but the damn ads are so vehemently over the top, they make me want to go out and buy a carton of cigarettes just so I can find the creator of the commercials and blow smoke in his face.

Do you guys get the same kind of sanctimonious bleeding-heart type lawyers that I do here in Jax? They will come on and swear in sincerely phony terms and word inflections about just how much they want to help save you from whatever legal boogeyman you are having the deal with, so much so that I expect one of them sooner or later to exhibit spontaneous stigmata on camera: “See? We literally will bleed for you!”

I’m a little bothered by the budweiser ads in which they state that their beer is clear, and other beers are dark because it allows other brewer’s to hide faults.

My wife says, “I don’t even drink beer and that sounds incredibly stupid to me.”

I’m convinced that Budweiser runs so many ads that they just sometimes throw retarded shit at the wall to see if it sticks. There is no idea that they will say, “no” too.

The J. Wentworth “It’s my money and I want it now” makes me want to become an ax murderer and finish off these morons. But I suppose I’ll have to be satisfied kicking them when they’re in the gutter for pissing away their settlement and paying no doubt a big chunk of it to J. Wentworth for getting their money early. These people make Smilin’ Bob look like a genius.

The dimwits eating Sonic stuff in their car work pretty hard to annoy me.

There’s not a faint glimmer of humor in Coke Zero trying to sue Coke.

My previous dog would fly into a postman frenzy every time the Domino’s doorbell went off. Our present dog will sleep through that, but there’s a new ad about something athletic that tolls a bell every few seconds. After the third toll, she starts growling suspiciously, and two more makes her absolutely certain that she’s going to have to eat another FedEx man.

Actually, she hasn’t eaten anybody, but we tell children and repairmen that she hasn’t eaten anybody since that FedEx guy last year. She’s a happy little Lhasa Apso, and she’d have to stand on her hind feet to reach your knee. :wink:

The “Reddi Eddy” ads for Reddi-Whip whipped cream. So many questions:
Why doesn’t the little idiot girl know how to finish the knock-knock joke?
Why is Reddi Eddy out in the rain?
When somebody says “Reddi”, is the correct response, “Eddie!”, or is it “Whip!”?

There’s an ad on TV now for one of the cell phone companies (I believe it’s AT&T), that involves a man looking into car windows trying to find his daughter. The voiceover explains how this man, due to his inferior cell phone coverage, did not get his daughter’s text message explaining that she was staying over at her friend’s house. His embarrassing actions will doom his young daughter to being a social pariah. This could all have been avoided if he’d had an AT&T phone, since he would have received the text message.

NO! The situation would have been avoided if, instead of simply sending a text message, his daughter had also…I don’t know…tried to call? Left a voice-mail message? Called their home phone? Left a voice-mail there? All or some of the above?

I must be getting old. I refuse to be sold on a cell phone plan simply as a convenience to my teen-aged daughter. The text message was probably a diversion anyway, and she probably is sneaking off with some boy her Dad doesn’t know about.

All of McDonald’s radio ads – I heard one this morning that was so bad, I have blocked it out from my memory. They’re all basically the same, though – “if I don’t get some watered down crap that costs as much (maybe more) than $tarbucks’ coffee but at least I don’t have to actually know anything about coffee to order it, then I’m going to rip your head off, you got a problem with that?” Ugh. Serioulsy.

I second the JG Wenworth commercials. Aside from the annoyingness of those things, the fact that they are really just raping people who are too stupid to know it. “wow, you mean, I can get $10K now, instead of the $1M I am going to get if I keep my annuities? Awesome, where do I sign?!?” This really should fall under “predatory lending” if you ask me.

Don’t get me started on those fucking cellphone commercials where they say “2 - m - o - r - o” Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. Gee, thanks for helping further destroy the English language, fuckface!

Yep. They also do “family Reminders” where they spout some glurgey fuzzy message at you to try to look a little less slimy. Gah!

It’s WAYYYYY better than fast food. It’s Wendy’s!


Geico’s commercials that show someone who recently purchased a new motorcycle/jetski/whatever and are showing off the “protection” they got for it, which is always some sort of bodyguard. :rolleyes: Yep, that’ll take the place of real insurance, buddy.

All the Burger King commercials, but particularly the new ones where the two guys dressed up as burgers are going to the competition and trying to order a Whopper or a charcoal-broiled burger. The one that really frosts me is when they’re at Wendy’s and when they’re offered a baked potato instead of friesone of them looks shockedand screams, “A baked potato? Where are we, Russia?” Because of course everyone knows that baked potatoes are only served in Russia.

The most explicitly sleazy advertisement of any kind I have ever seen.

Let’s say your 79 years old. You may not feel like living for another 20 years to get the full amount doled out in those teeny structured payments. Taking a smaller lump sum now may be better for you.

There’s one for a prescription medication – a woman is shown reading aloud from her journal where’s she’s written about her problems with fibromyalgia. Her voice is droning and she sounds full of self-pity. She doesn’t look much better even after she takes the medication.

I should sympathize with this woman, but the ad just makes her look pathetic and whiny.