King Kong & Ann Darrow: true love or Stockholm syndrome?

I frefer, of course, to the 2005 movie, not the 1933 original. It’s clear that Fay Wray’s version is simply terrified of the greatest ape of all. Naomi Watt’s version, on the other hand, though initially of the same mind, in the end tries actively (if hopelessly) to save him, and grieves for him once he dies.

The question before us, of course, is why. I have my own thoughts, but I’ll wait to see if the thread gets any traction.

The movie is set in the 1930s. The “animals are unconditionally good, humans are unconditionally evil” school of environmentalism did not really take hold until the 1970s. So I’m going with Stockholm Syndrome.

Actually, I think Kong was the one with Stockholm.

Otherwise, why look for Anne? He should have beat feet until he reached New Jersey’s Pine Barrens.

Maybe she just liked big hairy guys.