Science fiction fans: how "alien" is too alien to sleep with?

Filmed science fiction and fantasy is, for obvious reasons, replete with non-human characters played by human actors. Sometimes only a nominal effort is made to make the actor look other than human; otherwise quite a bit of work goes into it.

Which brings me to the thread question. In terms of sexual attractiveness, what sf aliens are too alien for you? Contrariwse, who is made positively yummy by their minor differences?

Too alien? Do I have to strap on an adapter and can I feel my hands afterwards? No? Then I’d Kirk 'em.

It all depends on how big her boobs are (well, okay, not really. But it’d be nice if she had 'em) and if, in fact, she qualifies as a her. Beyond that, fur wouldn’t be out of the question, provided she had good grooming skills. I draw the line at tentacles and stingers.

Hey, G’kar was hot for a reptile dude.

I’d have to stick with mostly humanoid. The details don’t matter, as long as they’re reasonably similar to humans in the important waysT&A. Tentacles are out.

No slime, melting, or puddling. Nothing “chitinous” either – grasshoppers freak me out.

Scales would be fine. I’ve petted snakes and like the way they feel.

Considering that I’ve slept with humans I find rather unattractive, and fallen in love with them to boot, I’m not sure I could rule anything out. Short of personal damage, I suppose.

I’m rather surprised that no one’s rejected Klingons out of hand. That’s some trans-species lovemaking that could be a might dangerous .

I’m not adverse to shape shifters (say he might sometimes appear as a black dog*, or really be a crow) that have human forms too but that’s about as exotic as I’m willing to go.

*not a ref. to Harry Potter. Sirius Black was human.

Generally mammaliam, preferably humanoid, but a lot would depend on the individual alien.

Oh, that’s not RIGHT!

A generally humanoid form, including compatible sexual organs is a must, beyond that…

Odd coloured skin, fine.
Animalistic traits - fur, scales, claws, tails, muzzles, fangs, wings, pointed ears - all good. Bonuses, even. A beak might throw me, though.
Extra limbs - fine (see above). Even tentacles. >_>

D’lenn - do-able

M’ress - do-able

Horta - not do-able

kell. I’m not entirely sure that I agree. ner.

Centauri are out (they fall under the tentacle rule). Which is a shame because Vir was kind of cute.

Pak’ma’ra are out because…well, they smell like their food. Which is usually long dead before they get to it. Ew. And they fall under the tentacle rule, also.

The khepri race in Perdido Street Station was a bit too alien for me. I can understand how Issac loved Lin, but his descriptions of her bug face and stuff was a bit creepy during the love-making scenes.

I guess bug-heads are too alien for me.

Also anything too… furry-ish would creep me out. I guess I’m a bit xenophobic.

So no Cheetara? :eek:

I likes me some aliens that are based on more-or-less ideal human female forms with one or two exotic accessories. (No prob with a Twi’lek dancer. No sir.)

Moties don’t hold a lot of appeal. Asymmetric or covered in dense fur? No thanks.

While I’m thinking about the OP, let me be pedantic in the service of fighting ignorance (returning the favor that many on this board have done for me).

A mite dangerous.

You’re not averse.

Okay; short of anything that will cause me permanent physical or psychological damage, the opportunity to nail an alien would be too important to pass up. Game on. (Unless I’m just not into her/it.)

Hate to say it, but it would have to look basically human male. I can handle skin colors, scales, lumps & bumps here and there, maybe the odd tail, or tentacle, or horns, but it’s got to look human male-ish.

Unless we’re doing one of those mind-meld sex things. I hear they’re pretty hot.

  1. Is there a comfortable Slot B for my Tab A to insert into? That is the first question I would have.
  2. After that, it depends on the cuddle factor - can I wrap my arms around them and hold them without hurting myself?

Give me those two, and I am well on the way to Kirking them (I LOVE that term Love Rhombus!)

Thank you for the correction; I quite appreciate it. Unfortunately my vengeance engine was on “automatic” when you made it, so several dozen genetically engineered, winged, flame-breathing, et cetera howler monkeys have been dispatched to your location. You might want to head to the basement. :slight_smile: