Where do squirrels sleep?

In trees? Or holes under the ground?!

On baby pigeons.

In trees, in a nest (a drey). They’re quite small, so they’re hard to spot.

There are about seven dreys visible in the trees beyond the far end of the garden. Big bundles of leaves 50-60 ft up. Easy to spot now the leaves have gone.
[Canadian Grey Squirrels here]

Wow. I’m surprised. So they are a bit like birds nesting up in the trees? I expected them to be more like rabbits and make underground burrows, especially as they bury their winter food under the ground. It must be a pain to have to climb down the tree every time they want a mid-snooze snack.

I imagine some of them must live inside holes in trees and other such places too. There are a pair of squirrels right by my work that have taken up residence in a lamp post. A concrete lamp post with a hole about 25ft up. They get to it by skittering along the telephone and hydro wires and then climbing up a few metal straps, one of which is right under their little urban condo. I watched them for a few minutes while waiting for a bus once just a couple of weeks ago. They were busy furnishing it with stuff.

In my backyard observations, at least some types of squirrels spend almost all of their time in the trees, jumping from one tree to another. They come down from the trees to pick up nuts and seeds that have fallen to the ground, but they are very cautious and if you make the slightest move towards them they will run back up the trunk of the tree.

However I have heard of ground squirrels so perhaps some species do spend most of their time on the ground and only go into the trees to escape predators and sleep.

Yes, ground squirrels live in burrows in the ground.

I’d say most squirrel nests are huge! At least the one’s I’ve seen.

I never really see them till after the leaves fall off the trees then you see them plain as day with the squirrels running in and out of them.

Where do squirrels sleep [at night?] If that’s the question, I think it’s been pretty well answered. But during the summer, especially when it’s very hot, I see squirrels lying down on horizontal branches and falling off into dreamland. There is, for instance, a nice, flat patch of tree limb outside my bedroom, and I often watch them stop and lie down, belly right against the wood. And their little eyelids then just slowly droop and close, and their legs sometimes just hang down. Gone to the world. I don’t know how these little naps - they last for at least 1/2 hour - effect their evening activity. I have never seen one sleeping there at night, either. But I do know that they don’t do all their sleeping in dreys. xo, C.

My fathers squirrel hunting method; shoot into a nest, if blood dripped out I had to climb the tree to retrieve the game.

That’s a strange interpretation of the word hunting! :dubious:

You get water through wires? :confused:

Hydroelectric power, I’m guessing.

The disconnect here is the definition of “squirrel”, I think. Ground Squirrels or Tree Squirrels? Big 'Uns or Little 'Uns?

Most Ground squirrels, at least around here, are underground den hibernators. Eastern Grey Squirrels are tree nesters - either in cavities or those big leafy messes. They stay active all winter. So did the big Fox Squirrels I grew up with. Red Squirrels seem to like cavities, and also cache their food in them.

Quite small compared to…what? An eagle or heron’s nest? Grey squirrels’ nests are huge compared to a song bird’s nest, and easily visable this time of year high in trees; if you look up at a tree and see what looked like a pile of leaves and sticks stuck between branches, you’ve spotted one. Red squirrels, at least those with young, live inside trees instead of on them.

What do people know about flying squirrels’ sleeping spaces? There are some up this way, but they’re very rarely spotted compared to the other two types.

Ignorance fought.

That would be it. Although we get a lot (most?) of our power from nuke plants, but we still call 'em “hydro poles” and “hydro wires.” Our sole provider of power until deregulation created competition was Ontario Hydro.

They don’t sleep anywhere. After a day of stealing every bit of birdseed from all the feeders in my yard they retire to my attic to get it on like Donkey Kong and then have some sort of wrestling/bowling competition till the sun rises.

Do you keep your refrigerator next to your bed?