Ed Zotti, you're a snuggly puppy

Obviously, I do not object to anything the esteemed Mr. Zotti has done in his official capacity as Administrator of the SDMB. In fact, I love it. Makes me all warm and tingly inside. In fact, I am writing to praise his leadership. Ed spreadeth oil on troubled waters, and I’m sure we’re all going to be much happier now that Ed will have more time to join us as just another happy go lucky one of the guys, without all that horrible administrating to do.

Please roll over, Mr. Zotti. I want to rub your belly, you cute lovable wriggly furry bundle of cuteness. May love and peace and happiness accrue to you and yours all the days of what I sincerely hope will be a long and fruitful life.

Come here, ya big lug. Lemme give ya scritches behind the ears and under your chinny-chin chin. Gosh darn it to heck, I just love you so much I can hardly contain myself. Your wise and learned postings have been an inspiration to me, and have brightened the lives of starving orphans around the globe. Cecil himself pales in comparision to your illustrious self. Your wit is rapier sharp. Your intellect is awesome. Your leadership is sublime. You’re truly the best of Jesus, Ghandi, Rev. King, Barack Obama, Mother Teresa, Glenda the Good Witch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, all rolled into one delightful package of chocolate, wrapped in bacon.

If I ever have children, I plan to name them all Ed Zotti, in hopes that just one of them will achieve even a small part of the greatness of their namesake. I realize this may make life difficult for any female children I might have, but it is such a small price to pay to give tribute to that font of wisdom from which all blessings flow.

XoXo, candy, flowers, and unicorns,

Your pal,