[The Sopranos] Assassination Technique Question

A&E is showing The Sopranos a whole lot recently, as today is when they’ll be airing the series conclusion for us poor folk without HBO. :stuck_out_tongue:

As the shit hits the fan, a lot of people are “getting whacked” and quite frequently in these assassination scenes, the gunmen just drop their pistols before leaving.

Why is this?

My mom recalls that this was advocated in the original Godfather movies as well, but can’t remember if it was explained.

Fight my ignorance on the methodology of underworld hitmen please?

Because if you’re arrested later, you don’t want to be picked up with the gun, which then can link you to the murder. If you drop the gun after you kill the person then, assuming the gun isn’t licensed to you, and you don’t leave fingerprints, the police don’t have anything to link you to the murder weapon.

At least in movie mythology–I have no such experience in real life–a gun that’s used in a “hit” is usually obtained just for that one purpose, in order to have no connection to the killer. As long as he’s careful about fingerprints, leaving it at the scene will ensure that it offers no additional clues as to his identity; even dumping it later somewhere else gives investigators another location to examine for clues.

What about powder on the hands/gloves that were used? This is what was most confusing.

Sure you won’t have a direct link to a specific gun, but if you’re picked up by the police shortly after committing the hit, you’ll have powder evidence. This combined with the multitude of witnesses that have been left at these scenes, will be enough to put 'em away, will it not?

Well, as soon as possible, you wash your hands. The idea is to get rid of the gun ASAP, because as bad as it is for you to have witnesses to you committing the crime and gunshot residue on your hands when you’re arrested, it’s even worse for you to have witnesses to you committing the crime, gunshot residue on your hands, and the gun that was used to commit the crime.

  1. Gun powder can be easliy explained. Particularly is you frequent firing ranges. Damn near impossible to match or date residue to a specific event.

  2. Most shootings are not witnessed. Even if they are, witnesses may be reluctant to testify against cold-blooded, connected guys.

Getting caught with a gun that has a dead body linked to it is very, very bad. Any explanation you try to give, even if true, is unlikely to be believed.