So after stopping smoking, did you gain weight?

If you did gain weight, how much? And did you lose the weight? What worked for you - diet, exercise, or both?

f you did gain weight, how much?
Yes, 15% (or 14 Kg)
And did you lose the weight?
What worked for you - diet, exercise, or both?
Start smoking.

Next time I quit I’m gonna get professional help for that. So no useful advice here.

Haven’t smoked in 19 years.

I look like Jabba the Hut.

Yes, stopped for 5 years, gained nearly 50 pounds.

Started smoking. Kept all weight. Stopped smoking. Gained nearly 50 pounds.

I look like Jabba the Duplex.

No. Replaced smoking with an addiction to running and actually went from slightly pudgy to underweight.

Don’t let the fear of getting fat prevent you from quitting. It takes WAYYY more willpower to say no to a cigarette than a cupcake. If you can do the first, the cupcake is easy.

Yes, 40 pounds, no.


Compulsive/addictive people tend to replace one compulsion with another, in the case of smoking it’s very common for people to replace that with snacking. It’s even a recommended tactic sometimes. So, while people might gain weight, don’t make the assumption that smoking itself is keeping you thin.

Yes. But I’d still rather be overweight than smoke.

I heard a comedian who said, “I’d like to quit smoking but I’m afraid I’ll gain weight. My brother says that’s true, you do gain weight. But it’s not from overeating. It’s because you’re not hacking up that five pounds of lung jello every morning.” :smiley:

No, I lost a significant amount of weight but that’s also because I was on a stringent diet and exercised all the time. I would go for 4 mile walks when I felt the desire to smoke.

Yes, I gained about 10-15 pounds until I started smoking again.:smack:

I think part of the problem was that I don’t like gum. I occasionally (like once a year) will chew a piece of gum for about 5 minutes to freshen my breath, but other than that I really dislike it. Feel like a cow, actually. So I tended to snack a LOT.

On my next quit attempt, I think I’m going to attack each craving with physical exercise- a walk around the block if I’m at home, or maybe some squats or pushups in situations where I can’t just leave (such as work).

This Memorial Day, it will be 30 years since my last cigarette. In that time, I have gained probably 40 pounds . . . most of it in the last few years, since I’ve been on insulin. So for me, diabetes and aging have contributed more to my weight gain than not smoking.

I gained about 20 lbs. It’s been seven years and I have not lost it. Within the last year I have hit the gym again and although I am about the same weight I lost some flab and gained some muscle. From what others have said it is more than just some but I’m being modest.

No, I didn’t gain weight. Outside of my own home, I tended to smoke mostly on snack breaks at work, or at restaurant lunches with friends. When I quit smoking, I altered those habits as well, so I actually lost a little bit of weight after quitting by avoiding all of those empty calories. I’ve heard similar things from friends who avoided going to bars while they were quitting because they tended to smoke when drinking; they lost weight by avoiding all of the alcohol.

Oddly, my blood pressure went up when I quit. Blood pressure up and weight down-- a bit backwards.

I didn’t gain enough for me to have noticed, but then again, I have never been exactly slim and it’s been a long time since I was on speaking terms with anything that might tell me my weight, so take that with a grain of salt. It probably helped that I have no sense of smell, anyway, so food didn’t start tasting better all of a sudden; for a while at least, I replaced smoking with drinking glasses of water, just to fill that desperate need for something. So all I really noticed was pissing a heck of a lot more.

Put on a lot of weight,I keep it down because I train heavily and often but if I didn’t…

I gained about 10 lbs. Not a huge deal, and totally worth it.

Did you gain weight?

Started to, yes. Smoking for 30 years had thickened the superficial layers of my tongue, which led to furring. When I quit, the condition corrected itself and I could taste again. Yummy, yummy food. Especially all things sweet. I realized I’d need to exercise to prevent serious weight gain.

Did you lose the weight?


What worked for you - diet, exercise, or both?

100% exercise. I joined a health club and it not only helped me maintain my weight (because I was eating everything in sight), but it also helped me get through the early phases of adjusting to a life without cigarettes.

I gained about 30lbs. But, I quit smoking right after I got back from our honeymoon. I had been hitting the weights and doing some pretty intense cardio to get ready for the wedding.

So, I quit smoking and took a break from the excercise - the weight gain was the result of the combination.

I’ve lost about 15lbs of it. I started tracking my calorie intake at this site:

It works really well if you follow it. I’ve been slacking lately. I need to get back to it and drop the last 15 lbs.

Obligatory Troy McClure reference.