
All the entertainment sites are buzzing that Dollhouse may actually be renewed for a thirteen episode second season.

Variety Article “Fox Close to Renewing Dollhouse”

Please, please, please, please be true!



Meh. It’s ok. But it could’ve been Firefly.

**Twickster **posted a link to an article by a hollywood insider a few weeks back. That link is reporting: Prospects brightening.

I want them to put it out of its misery. Whedon should work for a network that appreciates his work. Another half a season airing on Friday doesn’t sound good at all.

What misery? What offers has Whedon turned down recently?

Why should he refuse a 13 show deal?

Lots of us are happy to hear this…

I think 13 episodes is about the ideal length for a TV season, actually. Fewer filler episodes are required, and there’s more time to plan things out in advance (presumably).

The thing about Dollhouse is, though I enjoy it, I don’t see huge multi-season potential. Three 13-ep seasons seems about right. It doesn’t seem as infinitely expandable and captivating a world as Buffy, Angel, or Firefly.

It could be the rose colored glasses of nostalgia making you think that Buffy and Angel were more captivating worlds than Dollhouse. Based on the only their respective first seasons, both Buffy and Angel didn’t seem like very expansive shows compared to Dollhouse.

Buffy was formulaic to their monster of the week and Angel was about some stupid ouchy vision telling him who needs help. Both shows found their footing by season 2 but didn’t really become legendary until season 3 or 4. Let’s not kneecap Dollhouse based on only 13 eps.

Buffy and Angel I thought were incredibly stupid from start to finish. I never saw an episode that didn’t make me think, “Vampire 90210”. Joss Whedon went to another level with Firefly and hit on something much more interesting. Dollhouse is good and it just got really interesting. I think it’s found it’s legs, and I am interested in seeing where it leads. The ‘Good guys/Bad Guys’ dynamic in Buffy/Angel just never appealed to me, too simplistic.

IMO if you are comparing Dollhouse to Buffy and Angel you are comparing a show for adults to shows for Tweens. Just not really a fair comparison.

Angel was an adult show. One guy has continuous sex with a villain on the show because he’s lost all his friends and the woman is the only thing that makes him feel better. He also makes her dress up like the girl he is in love with when they have sex. The woman knows this and goes along with it. Not exactly what tweens watch these days.

Bridget Burke, the misery I’m talking about is Fox not giving Whedon’s shows a fair chance. They already ruined the first five episodes of this series, what are the chances they won’t interfere with the next season?

Oh, I’m not meaning to kneecap it. I’m certainly willing to be proven wrong, it’s just the feeling I have so far. I trust Whedon to surprise me, and probably in a good way!

Yep, it is nearly official. It will be back. :slight_smile:

Fox will announce the renewal on Monday.

Oh, and Scrubs is coming back too…weird.

Ok, fair enough, risque sexual situations overlaid atop a simplistic morality play.

There is of course an unwritten rule in Hollywood these days that the demographic they are officially going for is actually the cohort below the one they claim they are trying to reach. Like Hannah Montana is for Tweens but really it’s for the 6-9 set. Shows aimed at 3-5 year olds are watched by 2-4 year olds.

Buffy was pretty far from a children’s show. If you think it’s simplistic Good guys/Bad Guys, you have, I would say, missed the point.

More likely you didn’t watch enough episodes to get the dynamic. I’m gong to prescribe the first two seasons, watch them and get back to me. :smiley:

On topic: I wants me some season 2 dollhouse already.

Simplistic? What’s your definition of simple?

Wesley basically lost Angel’s kid to a hell dimension and then Angel tries to kill him. He then became isolated and had frequent sex with an evil lawyer who he fought against for two seasons. Still in love with Fred, who abandoned him with Angel, he makes the Wolfram lawyer dress up like her while they fuck.

Name a TV drama that gets more complicated than that? Ok, Dollhouse is more complicated, but there is very little else that’s more complicated.

Whee! Great news if true. The series didn’t really hit its stride until the second half of its abbreviated season. It’s just gonna be a long wait if they don’t get the next set of eps out until mid-season.

I have no idea whether this factored into the decision, but I have the impression that the show has been wildly popular on Hulu, offsetting somewhat the low roadcast ratings.

Nope. I think his assessment is pretty much spot-on.

There seems to be something of a trend this year of more marginal shows being renewed – Nathan Fillion’s Castle and Better Off Ted have also gotten the greenlight from ABC; Friday Night Lights from NBC, and possibly Chuck.

I wonder what could be behind this new approach?

I think DVD sales and Hulu views of all of these shows are through the roof. Well Friday Night Lights has their guardian angel in DirecTV.

But it gives me hope for the future of The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Yay! I agree it’s not Firefly, but it held my interest. I’m very happy about the renewal.