Most Obscure Comic Strip I've seen for a Long Time

In the Boston Globe, no less!

Normally Rhymes with Orange is a pleasant little strip with moderately clever intellectual gags. But this one surprised me. I had to stop a moment to understand it:

If you’re not getting it, look here:

Cute. Would have been odder if they hadn’t included the MB hint.

I can’t get the comic strip to work (badly designed site), but I’ve seen it elsewhere…

And didn’t think it was particularly obscure.

I had to take a MB test at least 3 times before leaving high school…

INTJ in the hooooooooouse!

It’s really not that obscure . . . you can’t get through school without doing a thousand of those these days, and then forget about once you start working in the corporate world. Funny thing about that test is I usually get a different result every time I take it.

Things has changed since I was in school. I only learned about these recently, and by accident. If i hadn’t, I wouldn’t have understood the comic until I’d googled the MB test.

as it is, our daughter hasn’t mentioned these yet, and the comic was obscure to her. When do they start taking these?

I think I took one around 9th or 10th grade, and then in a couple college courses, every time you see an advisor at school, and at a couple different jobs. My memory is a little fuzzy but I seem to recall having to take one as part of an application/interview process once.