Piss Poor Programming (TV)

WTF is wrong with the people in charge of television programming? Why do they assume their audience is comprised of nothing but mouth-breathing, brain-dead idiots? How do they convince people to finance their asinine ideas? When did stupidity become something to strive for? Shit, the quality of their paltry offerings has been rolling downhill for a few years, but how far does it have to go before they reach the nadir?
Have you seen the ads for ABC’s new pile of shit, “Dating in the Dark”? It allows us to observe people going on blind dates in unlit rooms. That’s the whole fucking premise. Really?! That’s the best you putzes could come up with?
It is apparent that the Spaghedeity should be wrapping Its noodly appendages around several throats and squeezing until no more breath is forthcoming.
Sorry, but I needed to spew a bit. I just killed the cable because I can no longer justify paying for the dreck that is offered up as “entertainment”. Hulu and Netflix shall be my saviors! Long live the Internet!

I keep the cable for the opposite reason - so I have access to the good older TV shows in rerun. I think the only thing we watch on network is House. Unless USA is network? I can’t keep up…

Three words: Lowest Common Denominator

Hulu. It’s free!

Frightening. Have you seen “Idiocracy”? Just plain scary.

In a related story, Joan Rivers has had so much plastic surgery that she has developed Joker Mouth.


I’m cutting back to basic cable.

Joan…yeah, that’s frightening too. And basic cable is all I had before I murdered it. There’s really nothing on basic cable that you can’t watch on Hulu. (Well, somebody will probably argue that last bit.)

I’d have to have better than dial up on the computer for that!

Well, that’s not entirely true, but your point is taken.

I have basic cable, and am thisclose to canceling it. I’ve had just about enough of paying 50 bucks per month for something I use maybe 3 hours per week.

ETA: Nice catch, Ms. Thrope :slight_smile:

Because it mostly is.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Television is at heights never before achieved. The quality of programming is light years beyond what it was 20 years ago.

And you are saying it’s been going down hill?

WTF are you on?

Wh-what was that breeze I just felt?

Couldn’t have been a whoosh because she seemed entirely serious.

Whatever problems there are with television today, they were worse yesterday.

I’d rather watch reruns of Flavor of Love than Gilligan’s Island.

Yeah, dude, I’m short, but not that short. You’re just being contentious.
Yes, I was being serious. If you’d rather watch those reruns of Flavor of Love, perhaps any attendant houseplants may benefit as you expel carbon dioxide from your gaping maw.
No, Gilligan’s Island wasn’t exactly high-brow comedy, but you’re comparing apples to oranges. That show was aired 40+ years ago. I’m bitching about today’s programming. Live in the now.

Having no idea what “flavor of love” is, I did a google image search. All I got back was pictures of skank. There goes a good night’s sleep.

Thank you!
I have been fighting living with no cable for several months because 1) I leave the TV on while I’m going to sleep (utilizing the auto shut off)…that’ll be an adjustment, and 2) I haven’t lived w/o television in, well, 25 years, and that was just for a few months. But what you said about 50 bucks/3shows - that’s what did it for me. I’ve been paying 60 bucks/month to watch stuff I can watch on Hulu for free, plus a lot more on that site, and coupled with Netflix (at 1/3 of the cost…that includes the Instant View selections), I think it will more than make up for the loss of the cable. Might be awkward getting to sleep until I adjust, but there’s always beer!

Oh yes, he’ll give you nightmares. I really like my alcohol, but have never woke up next to anything that unappealing, even in my salad days!:eek:

And she’s talking about the supposed star that all the skanks want to be with. :eek:

Why?! Just one reason ?! Anything? Perhaps I’m not a skank, but I see no reason for doing, well, anything with him (although he might be a really good person, I don’t know).

Sorry. Even with the expansion of free channels brought about by the change to digital in the #3 market, I spend too much of my time drinking and wishing there was more to watch.