my wife is leaving

she says she can’t be unequally yoked to an unbeliever.

she didn’t used to be this way. but after her depressive breakdown earlier this year when she was so miserable and nothing seemed to help she found jesus again. it was the church,it was jses that healedher, she says she thinks she blvs. so she threw herself into it. at first i didn’t care bcz she was better and that was all i wanted but her church,god I hate that damn church with its damn stupid minister you dn’t have to be that way to be a minister. i tried to be supportive but i don’t know my unbelief i guess cld not be hidden. no that’s not it. She always knew what I beleived and did nto believe but she felt judged or myabe she felt she had to jduge me that i was going to drag her into sin anad that that would cost her her healing. anyway she’s leaving and i hate everything. nothing matters. i can’t make it work. i can’t make anything that matters work. what’s the point of tryingto be a good guy now? what’s the point of anything? i used to be a creep and got left and deserved it. but i’m not that way anymore i work hard not to be that way but it doesn’t matter she is gone.

fuck it

oh FUCK!

So sorry, Skald :frowning:

Fuck. Sorry to hear that, Skald.

Oh Skald. My heart breaks for you.

My first reaction was “Oh, you’re KIDDING?!”. So sorry Skald, just… so sorry.

Crap, this is really bad.

(BTW, my personal belief that the ‘unequally yoked’ part has nothing to do with believers marrying non-believers, and I hate it when Christians used it for almost everything)

Really sorry to hear that, Skald. :frowning:

Damn, man. Sorry.

Shit that’s just awful, so sorry, I’m pretty sure most of us here can understand what you’re going through x

Really sorry to hear this, Skald.

I suggest she reads 1 Cor 7:12-13, though.


I’m so sorry. My thoughts are with you. :frowning:

I am so sorry, Skald. It’s such a deeply hurtful situation to have to endure.

I am sorry to hear your news. Sending supporting thoughts your way.

That’s awful, Skald. I’m so sorry.

Although you don’t know me from a bar of soap, I always enjoyed reading your posts (which basically, as translated, means I think you’re a good person) and I’m really fucking sorry for you.

I don’t know what to say really other than that because I have no advice to give to someone better than me.

I’d have to echo this, you seem like a great guy Skald and I hope you get through this OK mate.

Bullshit, if you’ll excuse my saying so. I am a believer. I would be far more unequally yoked if I married a stupid Christian than a smart Atheist. If it’s her church encouraging her to do this, ask her what other vows sworn before God she’s permitted to break. If her family’s telling lies about you, remind her that Jesus condemned gossip, malice, and slander as strongly as He did theft, murder, and adultery. Jesus had nothing against unbelievers – both the Good Samaritan and the woman at the well were people who good Jews at the time saw as heretical unbelievers, yet the former is shown as a good example of what to do compared to the example set by the good, upright, respectable people who came before him and the latter is the first person Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to. In my opinion, your wife and the people telling her to leave you are not acting like Christians should do and are sinning against you and God by breaking her vows.

You’re a good man, Skald, and I have a lot of respect for you. You deserve better than to be treated so poorly.

Wow, Skald, I am really sorry.

I’m very sorry, Skald. Just keep treading water, we’re here.

Fuck, that sucks.
Sorry to hear it… and sorry I have nothing helpful to say.