Movie/tv show with a kid wanting a straitjacket?

I think it was a TV show, and I’m pretty sure animated. There was some kind of weird/bizarre child who really wanted a straitjacket, for like a birthday present or something, and the parents saying something like, “If you’re not good, you won’t get that straitjacket.” Am I just making up my own bizarre movie in my head again or is this something I actually saw?

That sounds really familiar, so I’m sure you’re not crazy. But I can’t think of what show it was. Maybe the Addams Family cartoon?

Yeah, that did occur to me, as it’s definitely the type of thing one of those kids would want. I keep trying to google terms but nothing comes up.

Was it that ‘Eerie, Indiana’ (or somesuch) sitcom? Wasn’t there a creepy little brother in that?

Could also be weird little animated series The Oblongs. There was a broody suicidal French girl on that.

It sounds familiar to me, too.

I vote for The Addams Family, but the live action version. I think it was Wednesday who wanted one. But I’m not 100% certain.

It sounds like something they’d do on that show.

I don’t think it was the Oblongs because that was a little past my time.

I also didn’t watch much Addams Family as a kid, so I don’t know if that’s the one I’m thinking of either.

Maybe Eerie, Indiana. I do remember watching a bit of that back in the day.

When I read the OP, all I could think of was Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle, but I googled it and couldn’t find any reference to it. Still, that’s my contribution. I can see Dewey in that straitjacket right now.