"Family Guy" and Alan Thicke's Head

Tonight’s episode of Family Guy has Meg getting into Christianity after listening to Kirk Cameron on TV and they have the guy who played his brother Ben asking Meg to buy him Sudafed and then they have Alan Thicke come in and his head is bouncing from one side to the other as he talks.

What is this? Is it they are saying Alan Thicke has such a big head he can’t hold it up?

I was wondering that too. And it’s been a long, long time since I last saw growing pains.

Yeah. They (the Family Guy gang) were making Alan Thicke a bobblehead. :smiley:

I thought it was just an exaggeration of how Thicke used to move his head.

I don’t get why they portrayed Ben (Jeremy Miller) as a washed-up drug addict. Jeremy’s wikipedia article mentions nothing about a drug addiction.

Last I heard he was a chef or somesuch and wasn’t particularly interested in continuing with an acting career. Maybe the Family Guy writers just assumed that he’s a washed-up drug addict because nobody’s heard much about him lately.

I don’t remember anything distinctive about how Thicke moves his head.

I think the drug thing was just a riff on former child stars in general, not anything literal from Jeremy Miller’s real life.