Kissed my friend's wife. Now what?

My friends were meeting me at my place, and arriving separately. She got there first. When she walked in, I was overjoyed to see her, and sort of weirdly, automatically, unthinkingly kissed her on the mouth. And not a friendly peck or a “European” kiss, but a full-on smackeroo. She did not pull away in the slightest.


She acted like it was the most normal thing in the world and we went about our evening together without incident.

My brain has been kind of doing this :smack::smack::smack::eek: for a week now. She hasn’t mentioned it at all.

Do I even acknowledge that it happened or just continue in life as though nothing out of the ordinary ever occurred?

It seems like it’s bothering you and will keep bothering you.

It might bring you some peace of mind to say “You know the other day? That was weird, huh? That happened without thinking. Sorry for being so weird, don’t think anything of it.”

The fact she acted normal at the time indicates she thought it was normal. I have some friends who would also think that was normal. And otheraswho would have been horrified and would’ve run shrieking from the room.

Forget it. And don’t take it as a signal of a secret desire on her part for a fling. If she is thinking that way, she’ll let you know at the next discreet opportunity.

Yeah, some women are just kissers.

Don’t think they mean anything by it but I do think sometimes they under estimate the power of their sexuality. (Hence your brain knot)

I wonder how long your friends have been married because in my experience it’s always the women who have been married say 5- 10 or more years that do that.

You kised your friend’s wife on the lips? A little strange, but I have seen it happen before.

Was there tongue? Because if there was tongue, that would be something to worry about.

No, but it was one of those moist “interlocked lips” ones.

Unless she’s been playing footsie under the table or calling you late at night, let it go. If either of you thought it was the beginning to something more rather than an enthusiastic but platonic move, there’d be signals.

Or you could just kiss the husband full-on next time you see them, to even things out.

I have one friend that I kiss every time I see her. There’s nothing sexual about it- we’re just friends who kiss hello.

As long as you didn’t also feel her up while kissing her, I wouldn’t worry about it. I have female friends that kiss like that from time to time as a hello/goodbye. Maybe not with “moist interlocking lips” but not far from it.

At this point you have to bang her. Sorry to have to be the one have to tell you.

Fuck her! Fuck her brains out! You know you want to!

Will be interesting to find out if she will now expect the same greeting each time you meet in the future.

Dinsdale. Voice of reason.

Let it go. she has either been discreet about an inappropriate desire, or gracious about your major faux pas. Either way, you should leave it alone entirely, and be as welcoming as possible at the next encounter while keeping your position such that it can not happen again.

It. never. happened.

It’s just a thing that happened; a show of affection. It’s not weird; it just wasn’t the same as your prior experience of meeting people. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you find yourself sporting wood whenever you think of the kiss.

One of my ex sisters-in-law greets everyone with a big lip kiss. Men, women, related, not related. Maybe she’s met folks like that and assumed you were one and had decided just to let it go. If I were in her shoes I might think about whether I should say something for a minute until I figured that there’s nothing to be gained by bringing it up. If next time you see her she extends her hand for a handshake while she’s still 12’ away you’ll know she noticed.

I vote for letting it go.

Whatever you do, don’t talk about it. There are only two possibilities:

  1. She felt awkward, but figured you didn’t mean anything untoward, and so didn’t want to offend you by saying anything.

  2. She really didn’t think anything of it, and assumed you didn’t either.

In either case, her course of action is to ignore that it happened. But if you discuss it, and thereby keep her from ignoring it, it will seem like you *were *hitting on her, and want to know her reaction.

I’ve been in her place. The father of one of my friends would greet me with a big wet kiss on the lips whenever I visited, *and *bid me farewell the same way. My friend said that, unfortunately, all his female friends got the same warm welcome.

Even though I suspected he was being more than just overly-friendly, he was never inappropriate in any other way. So, I acted like it was normal, because it wasn’t worth making an issue of it. But if he had brought it up, it would have been totally creepy: “Hey, I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s my habit to kiss you full on the mouth, but I don’t mean anything by it; I hope that doesn’t bother you.” There’s no good way to respond to that.

Let it go. Assuming you don’t have lingering feelings for her that should be explored and squashed like a bug, I’d chalk it up as an impulsive thing and forget about it. Bringing it up only amplifies its importance.

Don’t mention it, and don’t worry about it. It’s happened to me, from a friend’s husband, only once, and we never mentioned it and have all remained friends.

Another case was a bit more embarrassing (equivocal?)… One evening, we were meeting friends in a cafe downtown. I was wearing a rather low-cut red dress, and another friend’s live-in boyfriend just bent and kissed me on my breast. That was harder to shrug away on my part, but I just sort of gasped a second, and ignored that it ever happened. Yes, we’ve remained friends ever since as well, and nothing else of that nature ever happened again.

Really, he should have done it at the time. It’s important to realize that the “kiss hello” is outdated. Modern people do the “Intercourse Hello”.