Halloween Costumes - 2009 edition

I’ve been thinking of what I’m going to be for Halloween this year.

So far, I have:

utility monster–admittedly a bit abstract, but I’d dress up as a regular monster and proceed to devour / use everything, while pushing others aside. It’s a bit too action-oriented and not too much fun after a few hours.

zombie Bill Buckley–wear a suit, adopt that pretentious Yale accent, alternate between browbeating people and attempting to gnaw on their brains. Again, not bad, but I don’t know if I can keep it up.

Doctor Doom–I buy a Dr. Doom costume on the interwebs, and maybe integrate healthcare reform / the death panels into it somehow. I’m lazy, so I like this idea.
Anyone else?

For her first Halloween, our baby Rose is going to be wearing a frog costume.

She’s gonna be Rosie the Ribbiter.

We’ve had this plan since about five minutes after we named her.

LHoD–how devious!

I’m going as a Death Panelist. I’m going to get a grim reaper robe and decorate it with liberal-cause buttons and go around deciding who lives and who dies, in the name of our lord and savior Barack Hussein Obama, aka, The Great One.

You may steal this idea as long as you don’t plan to go to any Halloween parties in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Kyla, that is hilarious.

My two friends and I have each decided to embody a decade. So 1930s flapper, 1950s pinup girl, and 1980s hippie. I’m going to be the pinup girl but am having trouble figuring out a costume that won’t make me freeze to death as we go barhopping.

I actually sewed my own costume this year – a Renaissance gown with huge puffy sleeves. Frankly I didn’t do a very good job on it (I haven’t touched my sewing machine in almost ten years!) but darn it, I made it and I am proud of it!

Hubby is going as Lt. Dangle. Son will be a policeman, and Daughter will be Tinkerbell.

Going as The Shoveler from Mystery Men.

Previous costumes include Captain N, Tony Stark/Iron Man, and Quail Man. As you can see, I like superhero costumes…especially obscure superheroes.

I’d like to go as Billy Mays or the “Shamwow!” guy.

You mean, zombie Billy Mays, right?

I am still in the brainstorming stage but I saw a cool idea I might be able to pull off (this year (I want a good costume but it has to be very cheap). Saw on a site a casino dealer - wear dress shirt/pants and have a blackjack table hanging at a bit above waist level to look like a dealer standing behind a table. I will make my own probably out of cardboard, felt, white paint and have a deck of cards and poker chips which I already own and have the table hanging from some kind of straps over my shoulders. If I can make one big enough, put in a cup holder/ashtray type stuff too. I do love casinos and I always have a hard time thinking of a costume so this may be it.

I haven’t decided yet, but I think I may have just persuaded my brother and his wife to go as American Gothic.

I’m gong as the swine flu (wearing a pig nose and wings… get it?), and my wife is going as a doctor. She will have a couple of bottles of hard liquor (tequila, vodka, and rum) from which she will be giving people flu shots (get it?)… Corny, I know.

Hey my baby girls first halloween costume is going to be a frog! We picked that since she is in a pavilk harness and she looks like one.:stuck_out_tongue:

Last year, our 2 1/2 year old son wanted to go as a bee … well, acutally, a B - a red letter B. How cute is that? So hubby and I were both Os, and we lined up on doorsteps to spell BOO.

This year he wants to be an S for Spencer. Son #2 will be a C for Colin, and hubby and I will be D and M for Dada and Mama. :smiley: Foam core, colored poster board, rubber cement, and butcher’s string. It’ll take me 20 minutes to make all four costumes.

I have had many stomach operations, so I thought about getting a wireless camera and a video receiver and making it look like there was a big bloody hole in my belly.

But I have no where to show it off and so it wasn’t worth the effort.

Nitpick 1: The flappers were in the '20s and the hippies were in the '60s. If you want to go as an '80s figure, think woman in a big-shouldered power suit; '30s would be a housedress or suchlike. Think Great Depression.

Nitpick 2: The characters in “American Gothic” are a father and daughter, not a husband and wife. No one ever gets this right – do they still use it in the “Desperate Housewives” opening? I should write them a letter.

Obviously, I’m too much of a killjoy to dress up as anything. :smiley:

I just went to the Halloween stores with my friends yesterday and my commentary went something like this: “Oh, look! You could be a slutty princess, a slutty soldier, a slutty referee, a slutty bee, a slutty witch, a slutty Gumby, a slutty firefighter, a slutty cop, a slutty zombie, slutty pirate, slutty Queen of Hearts, slutty Robbin Hood, slutty Batman, slutty devil, slutty eskimo, slutty beer wench, slutty Freddy Krueger, slutty Indian, slutty insane asylum patient, slutty cheerleader, slutty boarder patrol agent, slutty Ghost Buster, slutty cave woman, slutty maid, slutty clown, slutty Minnie Mouse. . .” Reminds me of this video, actually.

They told me to stop, there were kids around. Said kids were all yelling to mommy about how they just HAD to be slutty ______ for Halloween and mom was allowing it. So, in my book, that means the kids can hear the word “slutty”.

Who am I to judge though? Like they say in Mean Girls, Halloween is the one time a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and other girls can’t say anything about it. Just throw on some lingerie and animal ears and call it a night.

Me, personally? I’m going to be Hester Prynne. I’m going to be a slut, but I’m going to be an O-G hoe.

Have you taken a look at Pinup Girl Clothing? Lots of great stuff, and not too expensive, especially if you manage to find something you’ll wear again.

I’m just going as a gypsy and the spouse, dressed all in green with the letters N and V attached. Idea taken from here, so thanks!

Be sure you all post pics! I do enjoy Halloween, even if I don’t really celebrate anymore.