Sparks on helicopter rotor blades!

Cool pictures of triboelectrically-produced sparks on helicopters. Start on the 4th picture.

Wow, great photos, and an interesting story too.

Night vision video of similar effect here.

In case those photos don’t make it clear, and should the occasion ever arise, never touch a hovering helicopter or anything attached to it like a rescue sling or cargo hook until it has touched ground. The static generated by those blades deserves a healthy dose of respect.

I saw that once in the desert of SW Texas and thought it was pretty awesome. I then went to Panama and as a Blackhawk was coming in at night, I told my buddy to keep an eye on the rotors. The static didn’t show up in the damp jungle, unfortunately.

They used that in The Hunt For Red October.

Joe Frickin Friday, thanks for the video! I tried looking but I couldn’t find any.