Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam

Something about this painting has always bugged me.

God is reaching out, trying to keep his balance while holding on to his cherubs for dear life but Adam’s just leaning back on one elbow giving him the finger in a passive, lazy display of the world’s first “meh”. What’s up with that? Is there something I’m missing? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Adam has always looked like a slacker in that painting.

Well, yeah, God’s doing all the work, there. Adam’s the subject of the work, not the worker. Why would it be otherwise?

deleted–tasteless joke, wasn’t funny.

Art questions? Cafe Society. Moved from General Questions.

Because that is the moment, not of creation, but of animation. Before then, Adam is just a lump of clay - formed, but without life. Without God’s literal inspiration, the most Adam could ever be is kind of “meh”.

For that matter, why does God have to have a bunch of fat babies holding him up? Can’t he fly himself?

“Hey, Adam. Pull my finger.”

Perhaps Adam is upset about the umm, lack of endowment bestowed on him by his creator?

Just sayin’.

That’s not the one with the sweet little cherub flipping off the Pope, is it?

And, of course, the timeless question:

Why does Adam have a belly-button?

It would have been awfully funny if Adam had been painted with a huge dong.
Good little Catholic boys and girls giggling hysterically - nuns rolling thier eyes - “yeah, yeah, we all see it, get over it”

I never noticed before, but I think God has jungle fever. That’s a sista he got his arm around. Look closely.

That’s supposed to be the as-yet-to-be-created Eve.

And I don’t think she’s black.

Really?? I did not know that. I did not know that.

And Captain Amazing, that was a lil’ jokey poo.

My first instinct when I noticed the angels was that they were trying to hold God back. God looks like he’s struggling to reach Man.

And the whole thing is symbolic, anyways, as the whole ensemble with God is really just the human brain, and thus it is when Adam’s starts working that he becomes human.


Yeah, I read or heard from somewhere that the big scarf like thingy around God and the angels is actually a picture of the human brain! I can see it.

ETA: I just found it onCracked.

Huh. Unlike Nzinga, I really didn’t know that.

But now that I do know it, am I alone in thinking that Eve looks a tad, um, underwhelmed at the sight of the manly vigor of her husband-to-be?

Eh. She’s not exactly knockin’ 'em dead in the endowment department herself…

Yeah. I’ve read that Michelangelo’s typical technique for sculpting or painting female figures was to use a male model and then just beef up the chest a bit so it looked like breasts, and this Eve looks like a plausible example of that.