What's the scam or angle in this email I'm getting?

It does seem too good to be true, but I don’t see the hole in the plan, yet. Is this a real scam, or one of those jobs that is theoretically possible but very difficult to make a “real” job, like selling Mary Kay and such? Many sales companies make part of their living off the sales people who burn out early, having cost the company little time, and earned very low commissions.

You collect the money. forward it to them, and the shipments are never made.

I’m smelling a pyramid.

Either that, or you sign a contract to give them a vast majority of your profits and/or a fee.

At best, this is an Amway type business. At worst, it’s a total scam where you funnel them the money, they never ship the goods, and you take the bad feedback hit

Why would they need you to list their shit on eBay and Craig’s list? If they wanted to sell their shit retail, why wouldn’t they just set up their own website for it?
A google search for “Warehousein,” and “warehousein corporation” turns up nothing on either count, so it’s probably not even multi-level marketing. They’re just looking for patsies to put up false listings and funnel them the cash.

It also occurs to me that the website they’re trying to direct you too could be a phishing tactic (where they try to get you to give them a lot of personal information on their fake “registration” page), or that it could be boobytrapped with malware.

The business model is not bad - the more places you can list your products, the more chances you have of selling them.

Assuming I were selling widgets and didn’t have enough people coming to my website (or on ground business), I could see where this could help me; offer it on hundreds or thousands of individual accounts and more people will see it, thus perhaps equal more sales.

That said, I agree there are lots of pitfalls with this offer and would be wary.

Just saying that it is not a bad idea, assuming the original business is ethical and playing fair.

The first question to ask in any get-rich-quick scheme is; “why do they need me?”. If they handle every aspect of the business, and have a marketable product, why would they want to add another layer between them and the customer… and are even willing to pay 25% for the privilege. Do you offer them something they can’t provide in-house? I doubt it, based on the business model.

The more likely option is you’d be either helping hide something, or there to take the blame… that is, if they’re not just out to rip you off (“nominal” registration fee… sales quota you have to buy… phising…)

I saw this one work like this on Ebay:

They tell you to list a thousand-dollar widget. You list the widget. Someone buys the widget.

Buyer sends $1000 to you. You send $750 to the scammer. The scammer uses a stolen credit card to buy the widget and have it shipped to the buyer.

Sooner or later, the police come looking for the person who stole the credit card. They go after the person who listed the widget and took the payment…you.

Maybe I don’t understand the business, but does it necessarily have to be a scam?

I am selling some crappy item for 50% profit, but I need more advertising, so I ask people to list it on ebay and they get half of the profit. They might figure that the increased number of sellers will offset the diminished profit. Also I would guess that, like some previous posters said, they will try to pressure you into finding other people to sell the product.

I think the fact that the alleged company name does not turn up in a Google search is a big red flag.

also the fact that the alleged company doesn’t even try to offer you their phone number, address or any verifiable info that looks genuine.

If not for the lack of online presence/contact info I would have wondered if it is a completely legit dropship outfit. They deal with warehousing, storage, and shipping, you make the front end. It would be for from the first such arrangement.

You would probably make more money doing it yourself, but you buy your own inventory.

As others have mentioned, they could take the money and never ship anything. As well, what does “up to25 percents” mean? How much do you have to sell to get 25 percent rather than 0.25 percent?

It sounds like a variation of drop shipping, which even the legit drop shippers, it’s hard to make any profit from.

Did you do a whois on them?

Do an Alexa search on the actual site name…

Which I just did, and there’s an entry for it, but with no data at all.



Just went in and looked.

If its not legit they went to alot of trouble.

That was the address given in the email. I wouldn’t trust it at all.

Just for giggles I registered with a burn email addy and variations on my actual info. They have not asked for any payment.

I agree for a site that has supposedly existed for several years that there would be more information. Although I checked for my own site and alexa has no data, it has existed for 4 years.