Why do black people like steaks well-done?

As with any thread that starts with “Why do black people…” I expect some casual flames and snarky comments. So be it, but I feel that in 2+ years working as a server I gathered enough observational data to make this claim with a reasonable degree of confidence. And before you say “I’m black and I order mine medium-rare”, or “my best friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s lawyer’s daughter is black, and she slaughters her own cows and eats their flesh raw”: I don’t give a shit. In the aforementioned time period, whenever a black person ordered a steak and I asked them how they would like it prepared, the answer was inevitably “well-done” with the occasional “medium-well”, but not once did one order it medium or below. So as I’m sure there are exceptions, the fact remains that a preference for a well-done steak is a very strong trend among this community.

I’m guessing there is a cultural or social reason for it, but I’m ignorant as to what it might be.

Does well-done steak complement the taste of menthols?

Either way, I have high hopes for this thread.

Why do white people like their steaks rare?

I can’t speak for white people, but I like mine medium-rare personally. It’s much juicier and more flavorful that way.

(Assuming for the sake of argument the validity of the OP’s observation): Old cultural ties to a southern-cuisine tendency to cook the hell out of everything?

How many different restaurants?
How many different parts of the US?
How many different price points?

Unless you forgot a zero after that “2” you just don’t have enough data to make this claim. I think this thread belongs in CS.

My guess as well. Lots of soul food/southern food/etc, and a lot of Caribbean food was cooked with open flame, and getting a nice char is an important part of the flavor profile on many of the dishes. Plus, beef was less common compared to game animals (and seafood), which tend to get cooked more thoroughly.

Add in the prevalence of long slow cooked dishes with rice and other grains, and it doesn’t seem far off that cooking steaks to well would be unusual.

I think it’s a money thing.

I’m going to go ahead and say that it’s poor people. Poor people eat their steaks over cooked to hell.

Don’t flame me!

I for one, cannot stand the sight of blood on my plate. I am always sending steaks back (or not ordering the steak at all in ‘fancy’ places). I think I am white.

I’m a white person and I like my steak well done.

How about an ancillary question, the answer to which may add to your OP: Why do black people favor “Red Lobster”?

I think it’s a cultural thing. Steaks ordered well done taste a lot more like salisbury steak, and are therefore more familiar. rim shot

Yes that was a low blow…but I still think it applies. Stereotypes exist for a reason: there’s got to be a trend SOMEWHERE.

Black, White, Asian, the poorer working class segments of society have always had the cheaper cuts of meat and less of it. Meatloaf is a will done meat dish used by the poorer classes to stretch hamburger into a roast with bread crumbs and eggs. Poorer cuts of meat have been ultra-tenderized and fried to make country fried steak. Soups and stews, slow cooked BBQ. From my own experience rare meat is the exception to the rule. I’m a white guy, I love a rare steak, but my family growing up was the first generation you could call middle class or upper middle class. My Dad never ate steak growing up and never a good quality rare one.
If your guess has any basis in truth I would assume it would have to be more about relative wealth than race, and as its human nature to strive to and glorify the habits of the wealthy. I believe it would only a matter of time and rare steak would be equally popular.

3 restaurants - some more casual (i.e. cheaper) than others and one was pretty upscale. All in L.A., but we get a lot of travelers and people who’ve moved here from all over. It’s not a perfect cross-section, but still a pretty eclectic mix. And I served hundreds if not thousands of black people. That’s more than enough for a statistically valid sample size. So actually, I do have plenty of data. Unless you can prove otherwise with data that you’ve collected that goes contrary to my claim.

hands over eyes

I can’t watch.

peeking through fingers

It’s not a race thing, it’s a culture thing.

“White” folks who are poor, and “black” folks who are rich tend to reflect their economic status, not their racial one, in their choices. Same goes visa-versa.

ETA: my grandpa won’t eat steak that’s not cooked to leather. He’s white. Really, really, really white.

Like I said in the OP: don’t give a shit, doesn’t matter, doesn’t answer the question.

Wow, I like steak medium-well or even well done.

I must be a Negro.

If only I had rhythm. :frowning:

Ah, but have you published? :dubious:

That’s just anecdotal evidence, and not statistically valid. At least the “more flavorful” part. I suspect that there are indeed more bodily fluids gurgling out of underdone meat.

Interesting theory. If you’re going to order a steak though, why does the length of cooking time imply economic status? Are you just saying that being accustomed to other dishes that tend to be well-done makes one more likely to order it well-done? I could see that I suppose.

I’m a vegetarian, but also a pretty good dancer.