Tell me my dad's dirtiest joke

Help me out, Dopers! There’s got to be somebody who knows what this joke involves. My brothers and I have long conjectured as to what it might contain, but my father even now, at the age of nearly 67, will not let slip one word.

As long as I can remember, I have heard mention of a dirty joke involving an Arab with a large left nostril. My dad would never, ever tell us any details, except that it existed. Even tonight, as we were celebrating my 28th birthday, my father would not divulge any details, except that this joke is “a bit raw”.

As the story goes, my parents met during their freshman year of college, my dad going to Haverford and my mother to Bryn Mawr. Evidently shortly after they started dating, my dad spent a whole evening regaling my mother with all sorts of risque and off-color jokes. My mom had evidently never heard anything like them before, and was rather impressed. The most shocking and terrible of these jokes was “the one about the Arab with the large left nostril”.

Just in case it might aid in tracking down what types of dirty jokes my father might have been privy to, here’s some biographical information. My father grew up on the south side of Chicago, in Hyde Park. My grandfather was a Poli Sci professor, and both my grandparents were Quakers. My father went to a co-ed Quaker boarding school in Iowa. If my father picked up this legendary naughty joke prior to starting college, it likely would have been through one of those avenues.

One dirty joke he did tell my mother on that fateful eve, that apparently was less offensive, goes as follows. Note that Dave Barry, also a Haverford alum (although half a decade later than my father), makes mention of the punch line of this joke in one of his books, although he says he learned it at camp:

A man and a woman are in the throes of passion, when suddenly the woman’s husband comes home. The interloper is naked, and needs some place to hide, and the only place he can find is a high chandelier in the main hallway of the house. He climbs up into this chandelier, but evidently has a tremendously elastic scrotum, which hangs down rather low. As the husband enters the foyer, he tugs on what he assumes is the bell-pull, to summon his valet. Nothing happens, so he gives it another tug. After a third (and still yet stronger) tug, the man in the chandelier exclaims, “DING DONG, Dammit!”

Man, if you are ever going to pick up dirty jokes, it’s going to be at a co-ed Quaker boarding school in Iowa!

I guess it’s as good a place as any.

My sister reported that after spending some time googling for any jokes involving nostrils, the only one she was able to find was this one she found on a “horrible racist joke site”:

Q : Why Do Aboriginals Have One Nostril Half The Size Of The Other ?

A : Ones For Half-Lead, Ones For Super!!!

Anyone have a clue what that is supposed to mean? I’m sure it’s supposed to be terribly offensive, but why? I must not spend enough time around racist Australians.

Missed the edit window, but according to Encyclopedia Dramatica, there is a gasoline-sniffing problem: http://encycl (Link broken because ED is a terrible terrible site, extremely NSFW. That particular page isn’t too bad, but in general ED is not fit for human consumption.)

petrol sniffing, I would guess.

Thanks, Superfluous Parentheses. I guess Wikipedia is a better source than its mutant cousin. (I was going to use another adjective, but couldn’t do it without insulting those I might compare it with.)

I suspect it’s a version of a gross-out joke I heard in high school as about “Chief Big Nose.” I’ll tell the variant about Big Nose Pete.

Back in the days of the Old West, a guy took a job on the railroad. After he had been working for a few weeks, he began to get horny. He asked on of his fellow workers where he could find a woman.

“Sorry, pardner, there ain’t any women around these parts. But if you really need something, there’s always Big Nose Pete.”

“Big Nose Pete? Who’s that?”

“He’s an old prospector that lives on the other side of that hill. He has an enormous nose, and he’ll let you screw his nostrils for a buck.”

This doesn’t sound terribly attractive to the guy. But after a few weeks he gets desperate and takes a hike over the hill to see Big Nose Pete.

He finds the experience surprisingly satisfactory.

As he’s doing up his belt, Big Nose Pete looks at him and says,

“You got any syphilis?”

“Uh, no.”

“You got any gonorrhea?”

“Not that I know of.”

Big Nose Pete puts his finger to one side of his nose and inhales.


That sounds surprisingly plausible. I knew if anybody could help me out, this would be the place!



I told you it was a gross-out joke (which is why I spoilered it). :slight_smile:

I think your dad’s been pulling your leg all these years. It amuses him to watch you struggle over what the joke could be. It’s like the “No Soap, Radio” joke. It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s funny to watch people try to figure it out.

It’s also possible he got “arab” and “aborigine” confused and he doesn’t want to get called on it.

I sort of doubt it. I have a feeling that Colibri’s is probably pretty close to the mark, based on my mom’s reaction to mention of this joke. (She says she has now forgotten what was involved, which is likely true.)

That’s the one I was going to post. (Indian, not Pete.)

A Google search turns up two references to jokes about an Arab with a large left nostril, so other people have heard of the joke, but in both instances the poster doesn’t actually tell it.

One is from 2005:

This one is more recent, from June 2010:

I probably was your father’s classmate at Haverford (I’m 72). “The Arab With The Extremely Large Left Nostril” was just one of a dozen or so dirty jokes introduced to campus by preppy members of the class of '65, one in particular.

Recognizing that most of the humor in these jokes derives from the performance art involved in their telling (my longest version of the well-known “Aristocrats” went on for 26 minutes), the following summary of “The Arab” is intended as information to satisfy your curiosity, not as entertainment:

A guy with very little money goes to a whore house. The madame tells him that all he can afford is the Arab with an extremely large left nostril. She directs him to a room down the hall. Inside the room, lying on the bed, is, indeed, an Arab with an extremely large left nostril, with which the guy proceeds to have sex. When he finishes, the Arab (this part is demonstrated by the teller) snorts and swallows the cum.

(“The Arab” is a distant analogue of “Tight-Assed Old Charlie,” where, when the guy finishes, Charlie lets fly a load of diarrhea that covers the guy and the ceiling and walls of the room. When the guy objects, Charlie asks, “What’s the matter, did I cum too soon?”)

Now that your life is complete, ask your father about these:

The Aristocrats (had original Kennedy material–rocking chair, fetus, in-laws)
The Little Dog That Could Fart “God Bless America” (an “Aristocrats” analogue)
The Hot-Shit Rooster

Remind me to never again read this kind of thread while eating vanilla ice cream and suffering from a cold.

Well, don’t ask if you don’t want to hear the answer. If it’s any consolation, I have told my son (37) very few of these jokes.

I’m glad you answered after all these years hiatus because tracking you down was getting to be a pain, although I narrowed it down to your current zip code. There are too many HC-BMC marriages (I’m one, too), but the Quaker prep school narrowed it down to your father, whom I knee in passing (I started in class of '66, graduated in '67). Frankly, I am sure he never told most of these jokes, and even their main purveyor (JLC) would not tell them in front of women. JT also introduced several to the campus, and I gather that their freshman year knew no behavioral bounds.

We did a show on the campus radio station (WHRC) starring JLC, called “The Aristocrats” after the referenced joke. The format very much was a model for Howard Stern–we did skits and interviews and had campus musicians perform. I had to pre-record each show for review by the station manager because of JLC’s reputation for the off-color, and JLC usually showed up at the studio with minimal preparation, but he and his posse were terrific ad libbers, so ideas were offered and they would run with them. Occasionally, when there was a pause in the action, JLC would start, “A guy walks in to see a booking agent and says, ‘I got a great act for you–it’s kind of a family act…,’” the way Gilbert Gottfried started after his 9/11 joke backfired at the Hugh Hefner Roast, just to give the station manager apoplexy when he reviewed the tape. (“The Little Dog That Could Fart God Bless America” starts about the same, so Gilbert should have switched to that.)

Enjoy your ice cream.

The person that you just responded to (buddha_david) is not the same person that posed the question originally over a half decade ago (QuercusMax). This is not a personal email conversation, FYI, it’s a public message board with multiple participants.

Just so you know, J Flash Cadillac, the person who originally asked this question has not logged onto this board since September 2013. The poster who responded to you above is not the original poster, unfortunately. However, we do get some closure in that Colibri’s guess of what the joke was (or a variation of) is correct.

Thank you for your response. My assumption was that Dave (Quercusmax) had found a new religion and adopted a new username since getting his Silicon Valley gig. No matter, I’ll call his father or (shudder!) write him a letter.

Yes, these jokes are for the masses to gag on, not just individuals. And, great website you have.