The Call of Cthulhu

I watched The Call of Cthulhu last night.

The Call of Cthulhu is an adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name. The unique thing about it is that it was shot as a 1920s-style silent film. It worked very well. It has its problems, no doubt caused or contributed to by the low ($50,000) budget; but it is an outstanding effort.

Would recommend.

Check out the intertitles options. There are like 30 in there, including things like Welsh.

It’s the single best Lovecraft movie adaptation - which is actually faint praise, given how bad the typical Lovecraft adaptation turns out to be.

My only complaint is that the animation of the title character is too amaturish even for a 20s silent flick. The rest of it is simply excellent.

I disagree. I think it fit in with the style perfectly.

This was the very first thing I watched on Netflix streaming, and I thought it was an excellent film. One of those where I go: wow, I can’t even imagine a better film with this subject matter.

It was fantastic. The same bunch are just finishing a version of The Whisperer in Darkness as well.

Could you put a link? I’m interested, thanks.

The film.

The short story.

A friend asked me to review the film, and had the DVD sent to me as an ‘early Christmas present’. I ended up writing over a thousand words (he’d asked for 150), including a short, spoiler-free (I think) synopsis and some paragraphs on the film itself and the DVD. I tried to be fair, and included criticism of a few things. (e.g., it was obviously shot on digital video, and some of the s/fx.) I’m not entirely sure what he’s going to do with it, other than it’s going to be part of a ‘13 low-budget film’ thing. If anyone is interested, I can post a link to my review after it’s posted on the 31st.