What would you do with 12 oz of hickory nuts?

I bought these at the market this summer and they’ve been in the freezer since then. To me, they taste pretty much like pecans. They’re a little expensive though. What recipe would you use them in ?

Chop a few up.
Make a daiquiri
Sprinkle the nuts on the top
Serve to a doctor while saying
“Here’s your hickory daiquiri doc.”


I bet they would be great in banana or pumpkin bread. These maple nut cookies look nummy.

When I was a kid we’d walk to the park where there were hickory nut trees and pick up brown paper grocery bags full. They were hard to crack and not much nut for the effort, but they had such a distinctive taste, and smell. If only there was a room spray, ‘Hickory Nut Hull’ …I digress. I would put them in some kind of shortbread cookie recipe, or a sugar cookie with a vanilla glaze, sprinkled with chopped hickory nuts.

Squeeze 'em until the trees did my bidding.

Same thing I’d do with black walnuts… make shortbread. Since they’re pricey you may as well put them in something that will feature their flavor.
