Asus Eee touchpad scroll not working

The scroll function on my Asus Eee PC is not working. I can move the cursor with the touchpad, just can’t use the two-finger scroll function. I’ve checked the mouse properties, and it says that the device is working properly and doesn’t give me the option to update the driver. Two finger scrolling is enabled. Any thoughts on how I can get the scroll function to work again?

Also, two finger scrolling just sounds dirty!

Have you tried rebooting? I’ve had that happen once or twice and a reboot usually fixed it.

Otherwise, try the newest driver.

Just to be clear you are saying everything else on the touch pad works fine, just not the scroll.

If so, do you have an icon in your sys tray? You should be able to right click on that and check the properies.

Not go to

Start -> Type “mouse” (without quotes) and click on the mouse link

This will open your mouse and scroll. Check your settings.

Finally, have you installed anything lately. Sometimes when you install new software or a new device it will conflict with the old drivers and you have to work around this to get them both functioning again

Hmmm. Seems to be intermittent. Today it’s working fine. I’m being gas-lit by two finger scroll… I’m not the crazy one! The two finger scroll is the crazy one! :cool:

On my EEEPC, I find that wet (or even slightly damp, or foodstained) fingers cause funky fuckups. Clean your touchpad, clean your fingers, and try again. Other than that, no suggestions… :frowning:

I think you may be on to something, to be honest. It also seems to work when I have the humidifier on and/or I’ve put lotion on my hands.

What? And “Asus Eee” doesn’t? :smiley:


I came in here because my pad routinely freaks out, stops working, and then offers a magnifier.

I have no earthly clue why or how it happens, but I was beginning to think that a wet pad [heh] had something to do with it.

Slight Hijack : What on earth is the magnifier shortcut, and how can I stop from doing it?

Also, I had no idea about the two finger business. Love THAT now that I know that I have it. The scroll wheel, and by extension, any reasonable substitute for it, is the most undervalued feature on the computer. Hands Down*.
Now, I just have to get used to using the two fingers.

*Don’t believe me? Try not using it for a day. Or in my case, have your mouse’s wheel poop out on you. Or Pop out on you, too, I guess. :smiley:

Hold one finger on pad, tap with a second. If you want to shut it off:

Control Panel → Mouse → Elantech

Options button halfway down. Gets you to all the multi-finger things. Scroll down to “magnifying glass”. You can’t change the activation gesture, all you can do is shut it off, turn it on, and adjust size and magnification.

Wow. Three fingers?! I guess that’s the closest we will ever get to Triple clicking.

Two fiingers for middle button?! Hot Dog!* Now I can open tabs twice as fast**.

  • It helps if you say Hot Dog as Plankton from Spongebob would. :eek:

** Which counter-intuitively means I will spend 4 times as long at TV Tropes the next time I head over. :frowning:


What a silly name.

We have one of those, and the touchpad is insane. It has functions that are not mentioned in the owner’s manual. I bought a wireless mouse. The receiver plugs in a USB, and the little mouse is optical.

I was about to RMA mine when I realized that you can (too) easily disable the touchpad completely by hitting fn-F3. Could be easy to hit if you ever turn off the wifi for airplane mode, or if you have a toddler in the house. :wink:

Yeah, I had that feeling before too. But I think it was on my older 15 inch screen laptop. [That later died, more or less, and this Eee came soon after it.]

But yeah, I turned it off and back on, wondering what on earth I did to my touch pad. I believe I had soup or something next to it, and I was wondering if by any stretch I got soup on the pad.


Now how do I ix missing keys on the Eee? The keys themsees are okay its a sotware issue

Probably not software, probably dirt under the keys. I’m not trying to take mine apart to see how. I’m not going to risk breaking something.