Stay at home entertainment this weekend

I’m pet sitting at a friend’s house all weekend. Recommend me some entertainment! I only have to please myself, so don’t be afraid to offer an oddball suggestion.

Medium: Easiest would be something I can rent on DVD. My friend also has Tivo Netflix so if it’s available on that I could arrange something ahead of time. Anything free (and legal) online. Open to other suggestions. I do have ibooks/kindle/cloud reader on my ipod touch so I’m open to books/graphic novels. Also, any TV marathons of note. Or for that matter, boxed set TV series on DVD that are rentable.

Subjects: Anything you think I absolutely must see. Especially if it’s a little bit off the beaten path. But new and noteworthy things work too. Foreign films are fine - I loved Delicatessen, Amelie, Y Tu Mama Tambien, and The Girl With… films for example. I’m big on sci-fi and mind benders. It’s also been a very long time since I’ve seen a decent film come out of queer cinema (Beautiful Thing, Home at the End of the World, Small Bus) - have all the queer film makers been folded up into the mainstream? I think the last indy film I saw was Moon, so any good recent indy films would be great too. Will also entertain shorts as long as they are procurable. And anything I didn’t think of as long as you think it’s a must see.

In Bruges - funniest, most touching, and one the best movies of the last couple years.

I recommend it to everyone and everyone seems to love it.

Saw it but I’ll cosponsor your recommendation because on the surface it doesn’t look like an enjoyable film and I wouldn’t have watched it had my brother not made me. But wow, nice little film. Funny, crazy, and deep at times.

Angela, Let the Right One In, Let Me In, United States of Tara, Until the End of the World…off the top of my head.

Hey, what you do behind closed doors is none of our business! :smiley:

I liked In Bruges. If you want something really wacky, and pretty obscure, try The Adjuster. I bet not even 1 in 100 people have even heard of it. You might even end up pleasing yourself while watching it!

thanks! I’ll add that to my list.

What did you watch? Anything good?

Turn Left, Turn Right. Bring a tissue.
Premonition (Sandra Bullock).

I did get the adjustor but decided to save it for shared viewing. I watched the first four episodes of Being Erica (surprised by the swearing and nudity), last three of UK Being Human. Tangled. Jackass 3. Predators. First episode of Portlandia. Under the Mountain (new). How to Train Your Dragon.

All the episodes were good. Tangled and Dragon were good. Jackass was fine but not as good as the previous ones. Predators was OK. Under the Mountain was fine but I liked the original better.