Clevelandic dopers: Have you seen "Kill The Irishman"?

It’s a recent film about infamous local gangster Danny “The Irishman” Greene. I just saw it. It wasn’t bad. Some bum notes like having Vinnie Jones in it, with a both execrable and erroneous accent. :slight_smile:
The lead actor’s accent is also a bit ropey in parts but there’s a strong enough supporting cast, featuring pretty much every gangster you’ve seen in any other gangster picture and your man from L&O: Criminal Intent. To my mind the most interesting parts were when real contemporary news footage was used.

Not yet, but it’s on my list. I read the book. I very much want to see it, and I’m disappointed they had to film it in Detroit. I remember very well constantly hearing about Danny Greene on the news when I was growing up, and it seemed every week somebody was getting blown up. (Only because every week somebody was getting blown up.)
I drive past the place where Danny met his end pretty often. In fact, right here where I’m sitting is about a mile from a lot of pivotal places in the story.

Not yet, but as soon as its on DVD…

I saw it and thought it was very well done. Filming it in Detroit didn’t bother me, except when Tiger Stadium filled in for Cleveland Municipal Stadium.

I also recommend the documentary made by the same producer “Danny Greene, the rise and fall of the Irishman.” Link

Could you please tell us where you got the word “Clevelandic” from? Having grown up in Ohio, I’ve never heard that word used to describe the area around Cleveland. Is this merely your own guess at what term is used, since you live in Ireland? Did you hear this word somewhere? When I do a search for the word, most of the references I find are to an imaginary ship in some online game (or something). The few other references sound to me like someone making up a word on the spot.

I’ve never heard it before either. We say “Cleveburg” in jest sometimes. I think the OP made it up. Kind of funny.

My family calls it “Cleverland.” I could convert to Clevelandia : )

I’ve also heard “Land o’ Cleve.”

Haven’t seen the movie, although a cinephile friend of mine did, and said it sucked. He also couldn’t get over that they filmed in Detroit. The documentary which zamboniracer mentioned is better, I’ve heard.

I’ve always heard “Clevelander” for a denizen of the city, but I don’t think I’ve ever encountered an adjectival form before.

It’s a joke, from Icelandic. I’ve been in Cleveland numerous times and know the nomenclature. I was curious whether anyone would comment on my use of the term. :slight_smile:

I’ve not seen it, but I’ve put it in my Netflix queue. I remember this era well - I grew up in Cleveland during this time and one of my best friend’s relatives went to jail for his part in Greene’s murder.