What is this painting???

Okay, this is driving me nuts… can anybody help me identify this very well-known painting? I want to say it’s late 19th century… I can actually picture it… a mother and child are sitting on the grass, and the mother’s holding an apple. The style is kind of realistic romanticism. It’s located in the Portland (OR) art museum. I can even picture the exact location and where it’s hanging on the wall!! Help!!! Don’t tell me that I actually have to go back to the museum to figure this out. :wink:

I thought perhaps this one, but that’s at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, not in Portland.

You can search their collection online, but I can’t see anything that matches what you describe.

This doesn’t fit your description, :slight_smile: but maybe Baby Reaching For An Apple by Mary Cassatt?


Temptation by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

It’s in Minneapolis.

Oh dear. I was so sure it was in the Portland museum… but yes, that’s the one. The next time I go to a free Friday, I’m going to have to figure out how this confusion came to be. Anyway, yes, that’s it. Thanks everyone! :slight_smile: