Area 51: No ETs, but the truth is even weirder?!

Investigative journalist Annie Jacobsen recently published Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base. Based in large part on interviews with retired Area 51 personnel. She claims astonishing revelations – in fact, the Secret of Roswell! And, no, she does not claim to have finally unearthed proof that We Have Made Contact. Nothing so predictable as that. As she stated in a recent NPR interview:

. . . I actually think I preferred the universe that had the incomprehensible random-abductions-and-probings in it. Easier to live with.

Likely? Possible? Impossible? Or a subtle, planted smokescreen for the real story of the Nazi-Commies from Mars?! :eek:

Her story amounts to a whole lot of “X says that this happened, and if so, then Y might be true, which means that Z is possible.”

Is that what happened? Possibly. I’d bet large sums of money against it though. The entire Area 51 story (as widely told, anyway) amounts to mythology. A good rule is that one should determine whether a phenomenon actually exists before trying to work out the causes. In this case, there’s very little reason to think that there’s anything that needs explaining.

To begin with, I remember that Mengele was not keen on going to the Soviet side, he fled the areas that Russia was taking over at the end of WWII and then fled to South America, dying later on 1979 in Brazil.

It is very unlikely that the Soviets used him.

No, actually, I think that was his clone. One of them, anyway. Not the one who invented Valium and Viagra and silicon implants, the other one.

Annie Jacobsen has a very rich and active imagination which feeds her selective and credulous belief system.

To address such a topic seriously, I do not believe it likely the Soviets had sufficient biology expertise in the 1940s to have developed strangely mutated, small people who had the appearance of aliens. Given scientists today would probably question the possibility of doing such a thing, scientists back in the 30s and 40s with more limited resources would have an impossible time at such a task. If such a task was even possible.

What this basically does is takes a story that mostly defies the laws of physics (alien visitation–namely due to the vast distances etc), and replaces it with one that may violate anything close to what is possible with modern biology.

How would the Soviets have gone about creating these people? Selective breeding? Even if it was possible through selective breeding to create people who “appeared like aliens”, how many generations of breeding would be required for such an outcome?

If the Soviets sent a flying disc with strange looking people in it to the US, why would we cover it up?

The Mengele angle alone makes this whole story spurious. He was no scientist, and his “experiments” lacked any sort of scientific value. He was a butcher, not an evil genius.

I would guess surgery and hormones, if anything. (I doubt they could have achieved anything at all with the other approach – Stalin’s understanding of genetics was deeply confused and it was mandatory for all to share the confusion.)

This part doesn’t really make much sense. If the point was to create a panic in the US why crash it in the desert where nobody is going to see it? Ram it into a major city. And why stop at just one? Even if you can’t get more fake spaceships in you can keep smuggling in the your little mutants to make it look like a real invasion. Just stuff random apartments or warehouse with the corpses and start leaving anonymous tips. Leave one on some random guy’s lawn to find in the morning. Even as a hoax it’s not that great.

The part about the Soviets being able to ignore air-defense systems seems odd too. Wouldn’t the first reaction be that parts or plans were brought in and assembled in the US? If the Soviets wanted to show they could penetrate US airspace at will they’d just fly over and drop some pamphlets. It’d be a lot cheaper then faking alien spacecraft and breeding midget mutants.

And why is it the fake alien’s were made to look like those in Orson Welle’s War of the Worlds?

I think the theory is they were trying to rattle the U.S. government, not the general public.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen as clear a case of a “source” messing with a credulous reporter just to see how much crazy he can get her to print as this one. Somewhere, someone is buying her source a drink in payment of the bar bet he/she just won.

Coincidentally, I just finished watching a History Television show called Hitler’s Stealth Fighter about the Horten brothers. Their “flying disk” was a prototype stealth fighter called the Horton Ho 229, a jet-propelled flying wing that actually looked really nifty. Mixed in with the historical info was footage of Northrop-Grumman engineers trying to rebuild the 229 for radar testing. Their consensus was the 229 would have been significantly harder for British radar to spot and its speed (~600 knots) would allow it to strike pretty much at will. Decades ahead of its time.

The reality is cool enough. Why embellish it with bullshit?

But just a bit earlier, she pointed out that the Soviets did not yet have a nuclear bomb, while the USA had several. So how was America ‘vulnerable’? Any attack on American soil that seriously looked like it might succeed would have led to President Truman ordering a nuclear counter-attack (again).

This story doesn’t make sense.

It sounds like they have not even read War of the Worlds. The aliens in War of the worlds are not at all human like. This may seem like a small point but you have to wonder about the researching abilities of the author when they get something wrong that is so easily verifiable. It sounds to me like they are saying War of the Worlds to connect up with the famous Orsen Wells broadcast and just thinking the audience they are aiming at won’t have read the book but do connect that broadcast with roughly those times.

Agree, up to the Soviet ‘Mind games’ and Mengele the story sounded good.

The Hortens built, or helped build, a US version of one of their prototypes.
One crashed at Roswell. That the pilots were small(ish) could well be. Fighter cockpits of the time were truly cramped already. Having small of stature pilots is an asset.

This part could all be true.

Does this explain Tom Cruise in Top Gun?

She even has the basic history of Groom Lake(Area 51 as it was designated by the CIA) wrong. Formerly used for bombing practice in WWII, in 1955 Lockheed chose the area as the best place to test the U-2 spyplane, among others. As if this wasn’t enough to keep the area secret, the place shares a border with the Nevada Test Site, where over 700 nuclear tests were done. Most of the Groom Lake area is taken up by runways of various sizes, which is what you expect of a place designed to test aircraft.

What I find odd is I would have thought anyone with a slight interest in this area would be familiar with the Horten flying wing. The author acts like their audience won’t have heard of the Horten’s or the experimental aircraft and this is some new previously unknown thing.
I can totally see how from some angles the flying wing came to be mistake for a flying disc as well and I would have thought this was obvious to anyone who gets a look at a pictures of one so there really is no need at all for there to be another secret Horten aircraft beyond the flying wing to cover the flying disc angle.

Please. you are not fooling anyone. We have all seen some form of Star Trek, we know all you need to do is resequence something’s DNA and instantly turn it into something else and then change the DNA back to restore them to reset for the next episode. Sheesh. Like the Soviets couldn’t do that. :smiley:

Honestly, yes. Cruise is closer in size to the prototypical fighter pilot, It is Tim Robbins and Anthony Edwards who are about as believeable as this Roswell story.