Do I need to pre-cook my fresh pasta for lasagna? Need answer fast!

I’m making lasagna with fresh pasta for the first time! I made very thin sheets of homemade pasta and I want to start assembling my lasagna, but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to cook the sheets first. Can I just layer them all in the lasagna and let them cook in the oven with all that sauce?

They’re pretty thin - I rolled them out on level 6 of my pasta maker attachment for my Kitchenaid.

What would you do?

I say no pre-cooking is necessary. I make a pretty saucy lasagna myself with dried noodles, and I don’t pre-cook those. Delicious lasagna ensues!

I’ll post without preview, just to deliver my answer faster :smiley:

Layer them up and bake! Unlike dried pasta, they will cook pretty quickly once the tomato sauce gets up to speed.

I love this place. Thanks a million. I’ll report back on its deliciousness later tonight! Possibly with pictures!

I usually rinse them under hot water first then layer. No pre-cooking required.

No need to cook them. You may want to make your sauce just a little more watery than usual, and make sure the top layer of noodles is well covered with sauce: the noodles will absorb some water from the sauce.