Doesn't make sense. So you can actually force a woman to commit felatio? DSK related

I don’t get it… Hasn’t anybody ever heard of “teeth.” Wouldn’t teeth be the ultimate weapon to limit the event?

People who are in fear of their life or serious bodily harm might not fight back with teeth.

What is DSK?

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the IMF, accused of sexual assault.

Ah, thanks.

And I suppose there’s a link to something about forced felatio as part of the alleged assault?

IMF - also known as the International Maid Fuckers.

Which is one reason why on occasion you get news stories involving things like a woman showing up at a police station with a bag containing a rapist’s ex-man parts. But as said, sometimes she’s too terrified to do anything. Who knows how many times a woman has tried and gotten shot to death or her throat cut?

I would imagine the victim would basically be in a state of shock or dissociation and doesn’t have the presence of mind to bite back. Plus sometimes the perpetrator might have a weapon (knife or gun), or the victim would think he might have one.

no mention at all of weapon in DSK case.

He’s a powerful man who - allegedly - physically and verbally threatened her. A woman in her place might not be thinking “I can bite his dick off, yay!” and in fact might be thinking that if she does anything wrong he’ll be choking her before she can move, he might have a knife in his pocket, he might tell everyone that she’s an insane woman who cornered him after a shower and tried to bite his dick off. And as the others said, fear might just be taking over and making her think that she just wants to do whatever she has to so that he’ll go away.

Speaking as a woman who was sexually assaulted, begging and pleading was what came naturally, not biting, though he did say he had a knife. I’ve since gone through sexual assault assertiveness/fighting training, but hopefully I’ll never have to find out that a second time goes better.

He doesn’t need a gun. In that position, a man could crush my skull with any heavy blunt object. I’d be afraid to try teeth. Dude might kill me.

Well, yes, I can understand how the rapee (in this circumstance there seems no inevitability that it will be a woman) might be too scared to bite, even though I should think it might be a quite effective tactic, even against a well armed attacker. But what gives the rapist himself such confidence that he is not going to be bitten?

Why does the rapist not think he will be biten? Power.

Rape is about power, the rapist has power over the victim. To imply the victim was not raped (the victim of non-consensual sex) because fellatio cannot be forced due to the ability of the victim to bite is just insulting. A physical weapon did not even need to be present. The accused rapist in this case is a very wealthy and influential man, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that he threatened her family, job, immigration status, or with the accusation that she had committed some sort of crime.

You can tell when you have (or somebody else has) power over somebody. I’ve been able to see it in the more mundane aspects of life, an ex begging for another chance, an employee desperate to keep their job, there’s just a certain body language that suggests that yes, this person is going to be compliant. I’m not the kind of person who likes having power over people but even I can see it. I’d guess somebody who really gets off on having power has an even more finely tuned sense for it.

Might be the last thing you ever bite. Are you willing to take that chance?

Years ago some guy wrote to Dear Abby bragging about an experiment he and his wife did. He had attempted to force himself upon her, but try as he might, he could not spread her legs and was thus thwarted from penetration. His conclusion? Rape victims are not victims at all; the rape can’t happen unless the “victim” willingly consents and agrees to spread her legs.

Within a week there was an angry response from someone else, inquiring as to whether the man had tried beating his wife black and blue, maybe breaking her arm, maybe holding a knife to her throat, threatening to kill her and her whole family if she didn’t spread her legs right now.

With that idea fresh in your mind, think realistically about what you would do if you were coerced or physically forced into oral rape by a man who is bigger than you, stronger than you, and possibly armed with a knife or gun. Maybe you’ve already been mentally subdued, in which case you’re no longer of a mind to fight back. OTOH, maybe you’ve still got some fight in you: go ahead, bite down, see what happens. Sure, you might draw blood, but how confident are you that you’ll escape with your life?

I’ve also seen angry men come back quickly from pretty savage balls-shots, especially if crazy/on drugs. Have you ever bitten a chunk of someone’s flesh off? How easy is it? I’ve had pieces of pork or beef that were hard to really bite into well, much less something with intact skin over it. If you succeeded at biting some guy’s penis off/doing enough damage that he bled out, would they charge you with murder - after all, he was “only” making you go down on him, and it’s your word against a dead guy’s about what was actually happening.

There are all kinds of thoughts that can go through a woman’s head when she’s actually in that situation.

Fran Drescher’s rapist had an accompliance who tied up her husband and threatened to kill him if she didn’t do it and he didn’t watch. He later claimed it was consensual sex because she was not physically threatened.

He was a serial rapist who got 175 years in prison.

As others have pointed out the victim usually cooperates out of fear of being killed. I don’t want to get too graphic , but I’ve seen S&M porn videos where a specialed mouth restraint was used to prevent the guy “being forced” to perform oral sex from biting down.

As the OP, after listening to what folks have written, I now see the foolishness of my ways and stand totally corrected.