Majel's boobs, real or fake? (trek)

Just rewatching “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” and I couldn’t help but wonder, em, what was she made of?

No doubting those legs and dat ass, but in the ep, she looked like she was stuffing her costume up top.

Tits on a ritz?

Just don’t look natural!

I’m a gay guy, so what do I know, but her boobs look fine and natural to me.

In that episode, you were checking out Nurse Chapel?

Does that make me a gay guy? :smiley:

The bras of that era were sturdy.

Andrea’s boobs were a lot smaller. That’s why she had to wear the outfit.

Were they really? I just don’t think Majel had that much on top, which is totally fine with me. I prefer small boobies, they are for the most part more delicate and feminine. It may just be the costume, but it looks like whatever she had, was added onto. Whereas Andrea was pretty much natural.


Now, you tell me, which are more real?

Or, more dramatically-

It’s a fake!

And another question, Andrea’s nipples were pretty obvious, or even if they were just folds in WWT’s costuming, how in the hell did that pass the censors?

Hell, check out this shot, where both nipples and vulva are pretty obvious!

Holy Moley!

Even Majel is staring at that shit!

And they wonder why adolescent boys loved Star Trek. It was the best we had back before the Internet!

Yes, but, in that costume she couldn’t be wearing any bra at all, hence the nipples and natural form. Majel looks to be wearing the aforementioned industrial-strength bra of the era… probably the infamous cone bra. Based on her appearance in later Treks, she had to be working with something up top!

And Kirk has to be physically restrained.

As did I.

There’s nothing about those images that make me think they’re fake.

It seems to me that kids today are not accustomed to the mid-60s industrial-strength-bra defined torpedoes look.

That and the costume is strange. It has seams where most normal garments don’t have them and they, well, enhance the overall look.

The boobs are real.
It’s Majel Barrett that’s fake.

It’s the '60s so that my friend is her bush.
I would also like to add that I, Zebra, personally touched the outfit that Andrea wore in this episode while viewing the collection during the Star Trek Auction. (yes, I took a good smell too)

All I can say is, They should have sent a poet.

Agreed. Waxing hadn’t been invented yet.

But you have to admit there are some very dromedary like characteristics there.