Kony 2012 Conspiracy Theories

I personally have no opinion on Kony 2012, nor much knowledge of it. However, there’s one thing about it, above all, which seems incredibly fishy to me. Consider this thread a test of the hypothesis, if you will… I’ll release my results within a few days; if anyone is curious about what I’m after, PM me.

I agree. Or possilby I don’t.

I think it’s about some people who want to uses social media to make people want to change something, something is bad, even though that bad something does not have a direct effect on the majority of the planet.
There’s no oil or other resources at stake so it’s kind of tough.

The answer you seek can be found at the 3:47 mark. I’ve said enough.

You’ve said too much. The Men In Black will be at your door shortly…

  1. Weak opening for a thread in any forum.
  2. Been there-Done that.

I hate it when posters who’ve been around long enough to know they’re posting a shitty, linkless OP do so anyway.

Seriously, WTF?

This isn’t about it being a scam. As said, I’m testing a tangentially related hypothesis. Although so far, I’m pulling blanks. Mentioning what that hypothesis is in public kinda defeats the purpose, though. Rest assured, it’s not directed towards long-time users.

A 30-minute video uniting the world to stop a war criminal in Uganda #StopKony

Has its share of (idiotic) detractors (there’s a fool born every minute). Invisible Children Respond To #StopKony Viral Video Criticisms.

Try this on for size, then: While Dopers enjoy playing games, we are rather adverse to being played.

edited to add: To make this Pitworthy(something you have so far failed to do), what the fuck are you on about?

Rather, it is a scam. BTDT.

Test it somewhere else, asshole.

Yeah, tell us your theory or STFU. As it is, you’re coming off like a dick and boring everybody, to boot.

I vote this should go (if anywhere) in ATMB with all the other test threads, along with newbies experimenting with vBulletin code, people performing a CAPS LOCK button self-test, or whatever the fuck else people start those threads for.

Agreed. I for one, refuse to post to this thread until the OP explains himself. Perhaps in another thread?

In the interests of fighting ignorance, there’s actually quite a lot of oil, not only in newly discovered fields in Uganda, but also in Eastern DRC and South Sudan, where Kony is still active, and where this charity is wanting to put boots on the ground. In fact there have been several scandals over it, over Gaddafi, when he was alive, trying to get in on the DRC oil action, about a firm of mercenaries turned oil barons called Heritage Oil defrauding the Ugandan government and evading taxes, and a rather large scandal involving corruption in the government of Uganda regarding oil revenues and the granting of concessions, the Ugandan government this charity is so fond of and which has a nasty history of rigging elections, invading neighbouring nations and hunting humans for sport.

So your guess is that BudgetPlayerCadet’s secret conspiracy is that THEY are manufacturing rage to beat the drums of war so THEY can invade and claim the oil and pretend moral motives. THEY are either the CIA, the NWO, the Illuminati, or the secret fraternity of presidents and ex-presidents who are the only ones privileged enough to know what the US is really up against. Is that correct?

Can you elaborate, please? I watched a little past that point.

Find somewhere else to run your sociology experiments.

Thread closed.