Non-villain women raping men on soaps?

I’ve been told this is a trope used in American soap operas, a woman will drug a male character or use threats or duress to have sex with him against his will for the purpose of conceiving a child usually. The situation can turn bizarre when the man is criticized for not being a father to his rape baby or even stranger stuff.

Does this really happen? I can find this mention:

I know a man who was ‘raped’ by a woman so that she could get herself pregnant - she did it by “manipulating” him while he was asleep then hopping aboard at the crucial moment.

From what I understand all of her children were conceived in a similar fashion (all have different fathers, I’ve lost track of how many offspring she has), or at least she’d have one child “properly”, then try to force another one, the man would break up with her, a few months later she’d be pregnant by another man, and a year or so later, he’d have broken up with her …

To the best of my knowledge she’s never been charged with any sexual offence, and she claims child maintenance from all the fathers (while denying them any access to their child)

That sounds like bullshit. Don’t you think he’d wake up?

It does sound like BS, but prior to the big moment, it would likely just be an erotic dream. Post big moment, she’s got what she came for, so who cares if he wakes up?

It happens but the women are always villains. You have to remember though, that both men and women sometimes go on to fall in love with their rapists, so if soaps are supposed to be about promoting appropriate ways to handle rape, they’ve failed.

I watched the whole storyline on ATWT. It was portrayed as a horrible ordeal. After Julia raped Jack she tried to kill him. It wasn’t played for laughs or swept under the carpet.

The other example I know of is Sami Brady drugging Austin, putting on a wig, and making him think he was having sex with Carrie. This was also treated very seriously, and Sami was an “evil” character.

Now, soaps aren’t perfect, obviously. All these years later, Sami and Austin are quite chummy. He even lived with her and her husband recently, because he needed a place to stay. That’s obviously ridiculous. However, when the rape storyline was going on Sami was treated as a villain, and no one ever said Austin “asked for it” or anything like that.

It is rare for sexual assault of a male not to be played for laughs in any sort of media. The “don’t drop the soap” style jokes are still common. What I do find weird is the double standards in those making the comments. I’ve picked up on it now and again on the likes of Facebook and in conversation with people that are so right on yet seem utterly blind to what they are saying and/or laughing at.

I seem to recall this was also used for a storyline on Desperate Housewives, where Orson’s exwife gave him a combination of sleeping pills and Viagra so that she could conceive a baby with him.

This Daily Mail Columnist* claims she has done it. The sex was consensual, the attempted pregnancy wasn’t…

  • For those not in the know, Daily Mail Columnist is sort of British slang for “Moron who constantly spews out offensive and badly thought-out ideas in a newspaper”. Sort of

Sami Brady drugged her half-sister Carrie’s boyfriend and convinced him they had sex. When she didn’t get pregnant, she seduced his half-brother Lucas, got pregnant, and told Austin he was the father.

Austin, being a total idiot, never requested a DNA test.

The whole Luke and Laura thing which consumed the soap world in days of yore started with Luke raping Laura.

Under the watch of The Left-Handed Man !!

Yeah. I was hooked in Jr. High for a few years.


Yes, he woke up to find her on top of him. Which is how he knows what she was doing, and was able to tell other people about it.

That happened on Moral Orel. That’s how Reverend Puddy managed to have a daughter even though he never had sex.