Krzysztof Kieslowski Appreciation Society

Tonight I introduced Anniz to one of my all-time favourite films, La Double Vie de Véronique (The Double Life of Veronique), by Krzysztof Kieslowski, the famed Polish filmmaker.

Each time I watch Véronique, and I’ve seen it about a dozen times now, I notice something new. Tonight, it was that the Polish music director was in the train station in Paris while Véronique was looking for the cafe where she will meet Alexandre. She thought Véronique was the recently-deceased Veronika, but Véronique didn’t even notice her. Cool. :cool:

Soon, I will introduce her to the wonders that are the Decalogue (on DVD!) and the Trois Colours trilogy (coming soon to DVD, according to Miramax!). If she’s still interested, I have a few other films of his, too, Blizna (The Scar) on VCD, and Amator (Camera Buff) on VHS.

She’s recently read a screenplay I wrote that has a strong Kieslowski influence (it, and Trois Colours: Rouge were both inspired by the same poem), and I invite anyone else interested to do the same.

Am I the only Kieslowski freak here? Other than Kino Kieslowski - Home, does anyone have any good Kieslowski web sites bookmarked? Are there any other fans of the obscure 19th c. Dutch composer van den Budenmayer, too? :wink:

They just showed the Decalogue at the Music Box here.

Be very, very jealous!

Yeah, I read about that. I’m consoled, somehow, by having seen Véronique at the American Film Institute last year, and by having the Decalogue on DVD. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like him. The Trois Couleurs trilogy is a masterpiece, as is Veronique.

The Decalogue was unbelievably good. I’d seen his Three Colors trilogy on video, and then we heard that The Decalogue was coming to the Varsity theater. We saw the whole thing. (They showed it in two-segment batches.) I can’t even believe how good it was, and that it aired over television originally, at that.

The story of the young boy and the older woman – I believe it was Adultery – was haunting and memorable, and I remember actually gasping out loud when I realized the meaning of the ending of No Gods Before Me. (I apologize for not remembering the specific commandment numbers.)

Anniz and I saw Trois Colours: Bleu tonight. She can’t wait to see Blanc and Rouge now.

Yes, the Decalogue is incredible. I’d love to see it in the theatre, but the DVD is sufficient, I assure you. I can’t wait until Anniz’s education gets to that. :slight_smile:

Me too! Me too!

I think White is my favorite of the Three Colors. I haven’t seen them in ages.

Thanks Montfort! Now I know what I’m going to do with my remaining week of unemployment.


I thought I was the only Kieslowski freak around. My personal faves - Bleu, Rouge and Veronique.

Preisner rules!

All I’ve seen by him are Red and Blue (I’m a monolingual American; cut me some slack). I loved them both, and I’ve heard White is the best and funniest of the three, but for some reason have never gotten around to renting it.

So you’re saying he made other movies too?

Wow, a whole Kieslowski thread…I’ve only seen Trois Colours (currently thinking about subjecting my fiance to all of 'em), but I have been eyeing up Véronique at the video rental store.
You folx are so cool. :cool:

Yeah, a bunch. Most are in Polish and next to impossible to find in the US, much less subtitled in English.

Blanc (White) is the “funniest” of the trilogy, but it’s more of a black comedy than a Jim Carrey-yukfest. Rouge (Red) is my favourite, but Blanc isn’t that far behind.

moi: Rent Véronique. If you don’t like it, I’ll buy you a drink at a Dopefest to pay you back for it.

dodge_this: Have you checked out Preisner’s Requiem, which he wrote for Kieslowski? It’s very nice.

Yer on, Montfort. I’ll report back this weekend. :slight_smile:

moi: Hell, I’ll buy ya a drink, anyway. Just enjoy the film. :slight_smile:

We watched Blanc (White) tonight. Anniz liked it.

Sign me up.

Years ago, I was lucky enough to catch the colors trilogy in a single triple-feature sitting one Saturday. I hadn’t seen them before; I was interested because I had just seen and loved Veronique.

At the end of Rouge, with the face in profile against the flag, I thought my head was going to explode. It was so sublimely brilliant I wasn’t sure I would even be able to contain it. I was, quite literally, a hair’s-breadth away from sliding forward out of my chair, falling onto my knees, and crying with the pure joy of understanding and discovery.

So yeah, I’d call myself a fan.

<currently saving pennies to buy Dekalog on DVD>

I have the movie poster, featuring that last shot of Irène Jacob, over my bed, so I know the feeling. :slight_smile:

And, each night I’ve been going to bed, looking up at that, then down at Anniz, and thinking to myself, what a wonderful world. :wink:

Welcome to the club!

Hell, yes. I rushed down to the CD store the minute I read the reviews. It’s brilliant.

I wanted to bump this thread so the powers that be can move it to the new Cafe Society forum, and hopefully spawn some more discussion.

Heaven is due to open this fall, but I can’t seem to find any more info on it other than scant mention on Miramax’s site.

Montfort, thanks for bumping this, I missed it the first go 'round. Have only seen the Trois Colours series but was fascinated. Have since lived in Geneva and the world seems to have discovered Juliette Binoche, so want to go back and revisit that one at least. Now you have put me on to several others that should be interesting.

I will do the assigned reading and viewing and then check back into the course…

Off it goes.

Thanks Uncle Beer.