TV series whose very existence drives you batshit insane

Long Island Medium. I have never watched it, of course, but the promos send me diving for my remote: some over-tanned, bleached-blonde Lawn Guyland chippie who “can’t help it, I’m gifted!” and they always show brief clips of “skeptics” being won over by her amazing powers. “I didn’t think it’d be fer real!

I want to reach into the set, rip her eyes out and shove them up her nose.

Anything ‘reality’. It’s all bullshit. And boring.

“The Biggest…”
“Real Housewives of…”
“… Wars”

I would totally watch The Biggest Real Housewives of Wars.

Probably half the stuff on Discovery Channel and History Channel these days. Swamp People, Swamp Loggers, American Pickers, Ax Men, etc. Pretty much any show about rednecks, fishermen or people buying then selling things. It’s not so much the shows themselves, it’s the vast quantity of shows that are all the same and the fact they have absolutely no educational value like a lot of shows used to have on Discovery and History Channel.

The Nostradamus Effect on the “History” channel. Could Nostradamus have predicated cattle mutilations after 9/11? Tune in for some gormless speculation!

Ah, hell yeah!
But, I find most reality shows repulsive. And those ‘actuality’ shows are even worse. You know, Lizard Lick Towing, Hardcore Pawn, and other re-enactment type shows.

Oddly enough tho, there are some reality shows i do like. The Amazing Race, American Pickers, etc… I guess it’s just the jerks+drama+hype+scripted+stupid shows that cause me vomitous outrage.

Only recently moved into a place with cable. My first real exposure to many of the horribly sucky appalling shows already mentioned.
But the one whose very existence drives me batshit insane is “Toddlers with Tiaras”. No explanation necessary, one would hope.

How long will it be (maybe I just missed it and it’s already here) before we get an hour-long weekly show that features “Self-immolating Buddhist Monk of the Week”? I might watch one episode.

Maybe the show is already in the works:

Finding Bigfoot, Ghost Hunters, etc. I feel like shouting “Hey! Let me save you all some time.”

I agree about all of the feckless ‘reality’ shows. Even their damned commercials bother the hell out of me.

I just saw one for the crab fishermen, on a program I DVRd last year, and holy shit, doesn’t OSHA have anything to do with fishing industrially? I see crap going on that I wouldn’t pull or have done on any vessel I owned. I value my life and all my body parts :eek:

Same goes for the lumber shows - haven’t they ever heard of personal safety?

Hillbilly Handfishin’

I thought it was some kind of parody, until I kept seeing the promos and realized it was real.

I can’t suspend my disbelief in the supernatural, so any drama that uses supernatural powers to make the world right is off limits to me.

Any reality show, and I mean any. I even stopped watching Dragon’s Den when I realized that some people don’t have a hope in hell for their crazy business idea and are chosen just for the “entertaining” contempt they’ll draw from the panel. (And that was confirmed to me recently from one of the horses’ mouths.)

Parking Wars. Seriously? A show that follows meter maids and boot-installers? And then we get to hear a bunch of whiny morons bitching about what it costs to get their cars out of impound… Honest to goodness, I don’t understand how my otherwise intelligent husband can watch this idiocy! Tho I’d have loved to be in the pitch meeting for this series.

I love Parking Wars because of the idiocy. I love watching the idiots bitch and moan about how it’s unfair their car is impounded because they have 86 tickets and no license and no isurance.

My favorite part is the meter maid part. One guy tried to argue that the no parking sign didn’t apply to him because he parked on the sidewalk and not the street.

I can’t really think of any shows that drive me insane.

American Idol. I have never watched a single minute of the show, but I am innudated by so-called “news” reports about it.

Agreed. I’ve hated them since they started.

Always and forever, the Kartrashians. Just the sight of them, and they are everywhere, makes my blood pressure go up. There is no end to them. There is no end to the fakeness, the contrived situations, the weddings and parties, the massive houses, not to mention the whiny voice and gigantic ass stuck out at the camera. They spend spend spend millions and make make make millions and use it for absolutely nothing worthwhile but to show jellus peons how so much money can be spent on nothing worthwhile . It’s like watching pigs in diamond tiaras rooting around in a sty scattered with solid gold coins, squealing and squabbling and jumping on planes to fun vacations. Everyone seems to loathe them, but that only makes watching them more irresistable? I just don’t get it.

Does anyone hear believe Long Island Medium lady can speak to the dead? How can you explain the things she knows about people? Is it all staged?

Well, for that matter, “news” programming in general.

ALL of it.

News doesn’t belong on television screens (and the people who put such programs on the air apparently agree with that assertion, as demonstrated by how much of their content can be accurately pigeonholed as terror, titillation, and various combinations of the two).

I take my lunch break at work at about 3:15 in the morning, and if “World News Now” is playing on the television when I enter the break room I will ALWAYS switch it to channel 5.3 to watch a rerun of Mr. Ed. Because clueless Wilbur Post caving to the stupid demands of a talking horse is LESS insulting to my intelligence than the concept that Pamela Woon telling me what most Yahoo! searches for the past week were about is information about the world that I or anyone else needs to know.